temperature effect

[ˈtɛmpərəˌtʃʊr ɪˈfɛkt][ˈtempəritʃə iˈfekt]


  • Analysis of Accumulated Temperature Effect and Application in Forecasting

    积温 效应分析及日最大负荷预测中的应用

  • The Related Factors of Night Low Temperature Effect on Development and Sugar Accumulation of Melon during Fruit Enlarging

    果实膨大期夜间 低温对薄皮甜瓜生长及果实糖积累 影响的相关因素研究

  • Abnormally low or high body temperature effect a variety of physiologic responses including lowered metabolic rate .

    不正常的低或高 体温影响动物体各种不同的生理应答,包括低代谢率。

  • Study on the Key Factors of Temperature Effect of Concrete Box-girder Bridges

    混凝土箱梁桥 温度 效应关键因素研究

  • A Method to Eliminate the Temperature Effect . at the Cold End of a Thermoelectric Couple

    功效:能消炎退热和清除皮肤斑点。一种消除热电偶冷端 温度 影响的方法

  • Influence of quartz crystal temperature effect on optical polarization characteristics of four-frequency differential laser gyro

    石英晶体 温度 效应对四频差动激光陀螺中光场偏振特性的影响

  • Research on Temperature Effect of Fly-ash Activity in Alkalescence Environment

    碱性环境下粉煤灰活性的 温度 效应研究

  • According to the analyzing results the measuring scheme is adjusted locally to eliminate the temperature effect .

    根据分析结果,对测量方案进行了局部调整,消除了 温度 效应对结构施工的 影响

  • Research on Crack Propagation Regularity and Its Temperature Effect in Lining of Urban Tunnel on Service

    在役城市隧道衬砌裂缝扩展规律及其 温度 效应研究

  • Theoretical Study and Application of Shear-Lag and Temperature Effect in Box-Girder Bridges

    箱形梁桥剪滞效应和 温度 效应理论研究及其应用

  • Calculation and Analysis of Temperature Effect in Xiamen Garden International Hotel

    厦门花园国际大酒店 温差 效应计算与分析

  • Study on the Temperature Effect Factors of Stator and Frame of Asynchronous Motor

    三相异步电机定子与机壳 温度 影响因素研究

  • Influence of temperature effect on Fabry-Perot cavity optical fiber sensor system is analyzed and the projects of self-compensation for temperature effect are put forward .

    分析了 温度 效应对F-P腔光纤液位传感器系统的影响,提出相应的解决方案以实现对温度效应的自补偿。

  • Light color and set-shaped steel formwork are proposed to be used to reduce the temperature effect in practical project .

    在工程中建议采取在混凝土表面刷浅色涂层、采用整体式定型钢模板等措施减小 温度 效应

  • Moreover the stability is very good the life is long measuring accuracy basic not temperature effect .

    而且稳定性很好,寿命长,测量精度基本不受 温度 影响

  • Reduced contact force due to temperature effect and control module tolerances .

    由于 温度 效应和控制单元公差导致的接触力降低。

  • In order to study the explosion temperature effect of KCl in permissible emulsion explosive for coal-mine the theoretical calculation is carried out by using explosive detonation theory .

    为研究氯化钾对煤矿许用乳化炸药爆 影响,依据炸药爆轰理论进行了计算。

  • The greatest value of the temperature effect and temperature range are to be stated .

    最大 温度 影响值和温度范围是一定的。

  • The objective of this research is to examine the temperature effect on lipase activity .

    本研究目的是考察 温度对脂肪酶活性的 影响

  • The quantitative formula of accumulated temperature effect is given and the load forecast combining wavelet transform and neural network is proposed with the accumulated temperature effect .

    给出了 积温 效应的量化公式,提出了考虑积温效应的小波变换与神经网络负荷组合预测方法。

  • Temperature effect on a rectangular resonant cavity is studied and temperature characters of bi-metals are discussed .

    本文讨论了 温度对矩形波导谐振腔谐振频率的 影响,以及热双金属材料的特性。

  • Temperature effect on electrochemical behavior of 90 / 10 Cu-Ni alloy in simulate seawater

    温度对B10铜镍合金在模拟海水中的电化学行为 影响

  • Analysis of Temperature Effect of Creep of Concrete Filled Steel Tube Structures

    温度 作用下钢管混凝土结构的徐变研究

  • Temperature Effect to Steel Structure and Welding Deformation and Stress Control

    钢结构 温度 效应分析及焊接变形与应力控制

  • Experimental study on the inorganic chemical anchor bolt property after high temperature effect

    高温 作用后无机化学锚栓性能试验研究

  • The temperature effect on initial equilibrium shape and characteristics of static responses of pretensioned cable-membrane structures is analyzed in this paper .

    对预应力张拉索膜结构由于 温度 变化对结构初始平衡形状和静力效应的 影响进行研究。

  • Analysis of concrete field transfer property under cold current lowering temperature effect

    寒流 降温 作用下混凝土 温度场传递特性分析

  • Therefore in this article we study the temperature effect of NEMS that is the impact of the temperature on split tunneling .

    因此,本文中我们主要研究纳机电系统的 温度 效应,即温度对隧穿劈裂的影响。

  • The change of net radiation earth temperature and relative humidity in the vegetable layer of cotton field was investigated on the basis of the data collected from microclimate in vegetable layer of cotton field with drip irrigation of the mulching film under increasing temperature effect in desert .

    摘要根据沙漠增 效应下膜下滴灌棉田植被层内小气候观测资料,分析研究了棉田植被层内的净辐射、地温和相对湿度的变化。

  • The study on mechanism of temperature effect in the process of coal and gsa outburst

    煤和瓦斯突出发生过程中的 温度 作用机理研究