temporal angle

[ˈtɛmpərəl ˈæŋɡəl][ˈtempərəl ˈæŋɡl]

[医] [眼]外眦

  • Quantum Interference in Collision-induced Energy Transfer Within CO ( A ~ 1 Π~ e ~ 3 Σ ~ - ) Mixed States & Temporal Behavior of Transition Amplitude and Phase Angle

    co(a~1∏~e~3∑~-)混合激发态碰撞传能过程的量子干涉效应&跃迁振幅和相位 时间特性

  • The superficial temporal artery detached off some branches to supply the lateral angle of the eye the superior eyelid the inferior eyelid the lacrimal gland and anastomosed with the lacrimal artery of the ophthalmic rete mirabile .

    浅动脉发出分支供应眼外侧 、上下眼睑、泪腺区,而且和眼异网发出的泪腺动脉相互吻合;

  • Of these lesions 6 were located in the frontal lobe ( 3 in the motor area ) 4 in the parietal lobe 2 in the occipital lobe 1 in the temporal lobe 2 in the pontocerebellar angle and 3 in the cerebellar hemisphere .

    额叶6例(其中3例为于运动区),顶叶4例,枕叶2例, 叶1例,桥小脑 2例,小脑半球3例。

  • Methods The hierarchical structures of limbus corneae of 10 adult cadaveric eyeballs were observed under stereomicroscopy . The width and thickness of the temporal limbus corneae the distance between main structures of the anterior chamber angle were measured .

    方法:采用成人尸体眼球10只在体式显微镜下观察角膜缘的层次结构特点,并测量角膜 的宽和厚以及前房 主要结构间的距离。

  • Methods Surgical experiences from 12 patients with peripheral facial palsy were retrospectively analyzed including 5 cases of Bell 's palsy 3 temporal bone fracture 3 cerebellopontine angle tumor and 1 parotid injure .

    方法回顾性分析12例周围性面瘫的手术经验。其中Bell麻痹5例, 颞骨损伤致外伤性面瘫3例,桥小脑 肿瘤术后面神经断裂3例,腮腺外伤面神经断裂1例。

  • After resecting the petrosal bone which block the visual of the most part of the pefrosal posterior wall the exposed area was obviously enlarged and the temporal base retracting angle reduced .

    颞底牵拉程度明显减少。结论不磨除岩骨的单纯 底经 小脑幕入路中,对岩骨后颅窝面的观察仍然受到岩嵴的阻挡;

  • The keyhole of temporal base transtentorial approach is located on the supramastoid crest with the posterior rim on anterior angle of parietomastoid sutures .

    底经小脑幕手术入路骨窗为:第1孔(关键孔)位于乳突上嵴上(后端),孔的后缘与顶乳突缝前 相切。

  • Objective To investigate effect of modified biological regulator on temporal mandibular joint ( TMJ ) in Angle class ⅱ malocclusion in physically fast developing patients .

    目的观察改良型生物调节器矫治生长发育期 安氏Ⅱ类错牙合对 颌关节的影响。

  • Results ( 1 ) FN in the temporal bone exhibited 3 obvious changes in direction : Between internal acoustic meatus segment and labyrinthine segment there was an angle of 115.5 + 6.88 ( 110.6-118.5 ) opening towards anterior and medial direction ;

    结果①FN在 颞骨内的走行有三个较大的转折:内听道段和迷路段间。迷路段向前外走行,与内听道段向前内的 夹角为115.5±6.88(110.6-118.5)°;

  • In this investigation measurements of 5 items were taken on 100 skulls ( 200 temporal bones ) kept in stock . The data obtained are as follows : ( 1 ) The sphenoidal angle is 117.6 ° .

    本文用库存100个颅骨(200块 颞骨)测量了五个项目,其内容和平均数如下:1,蝶骨 是117.6。

  • Under such a temporal context this part disgusses the feasibility of the Comtemporary Review School from a political-culture angle .

    在此 时代语境下,从政治文化 角度阐释“现代评论派”的可能性与可行性。

  • The temporal variation of the maximum angle factor is defined heating configuration .

    定义了环向最大 角度因子随 时间的分布为加热线型。