temperature change

[ˈtɛmpərəˌtʃʊr tʃendʒ][ˈtempəritʃə tʃeindʒ]


  • Study of effect of temperature change on the image shifting of the optical system in star sensor

    温度 星敏感器光学系统像面位移的影响研究

  • Study on Temperature Change and Urban Heat-island Effect in the Urumqi Region

    乌鲁木齐地区 气温 变化和城市热岛效应分析

  • Effect of soil temperature change on growth of Lycium barbarum seedlings

    土壤 温度 变化对枸杞苗木生长的影响

  • And it relates the temperature change in the Gibbs free energy with the enthalpy change .

    这个方程把吉布斯自由能中的 温度 变化,和焓的变化联系起来。

  • The slip spheric joint support is also used for the large-span steel structure roofing in order to dispel distortion by temperature change an .

    为了消除 温度 变形和安装允许误差的 影响,对大跨度钢结构屋面在支座部位采用了滑动球铰支座。

  • Let your body get used to the temperature change !

    让你的身体适应 温度 变换

  • It deduced the way to do the temperature corrections in calculating calibration pressure when considering the gas temperature change .

    考虑到气体 温度 变化,给出了对校准压力进行温度修正的方法。

  • Effects of Temperature Change on Proper Seeding Time of Winter Wheat in Jincheng City

    气温 变化对晋城市冬小麦适宜播种期的影响

  • This product for home use air conditioning regulator fitting changes according to the ambient temperature change plays the temperature control role .

    此产品为家用、空调调节器的配件,根据环境 温度 变化变化,起到温度控制作用。

  • Considering oxygen pressure influencing the reaction greatly the oxygen pressure line with temperature change was also drawn in the diagram above .

    考虑到氧压力对反应进行有重要影响,在标准自由焓与温度关系图中绘制了氧压力 温度 变化的直线。

  • The effects of supporting conditions and the temperature change on the construction of suspen-dome are investigated first in the present paper .

    首先研究了支承条件与 温度 变化对结构施工张拉的影响,并给出了弦支穹顶的理想张拉成形态。

  • Outer door temperature solar radiation and area ratio of window to wall have impact on the indoor air temperature change .

    分析了室外气温,太阳辐射,窗墙面积比对房间 温度 下降与上升的影响。

  • Had more water been used the temperature change would have been smaller .

    如果使用更多的水, 温度 变化本来会小一些的。

  • According to different temperature change adjust dosage .

    可根据不同 温度 变化调整掺量。

  • So now we have a constant volume reversible temperature change .

    所以现在我们有一个,等体,可逆的 温度 变化

  • THERMAL hysteresis & A change in OUTPUT voltage as a result of a temperature change .

    温度 变化 引起的输出电压 变化

  • Since admission balance steam it is little to make the support bearing temperature change with load .

    单阀模式与顺阀模式相比,由于配汽均衡,使支持轴承瓦块 温度 变化随负荷 变化小。

  • Analysis of Surface Air Temperature Change in Macau During 1901-2007

    1901&2007年澳门地面 气温 变化的分析

  • The interfacial transition zone ( ITZ ) of concrete cured in standard condition and in the dry and wide temperature change environment was studied comparatively .

    采用显微硬度仪和扫描电镜,对比研究了干燥大 温差 气候条件和标准养护条件下混凝土界面过渡区的结构和形态。

  • OK two now it 's a temperature change right ?

    好,第二步,现在 温度 发生变化,对吧?

  • Now the coefficient that relates the amount of heat in to the temperature change is obviously going to be different for these two cases .

    在这两个例子中,很显然联系热量和 温度 变化的系数,是不一样的。

  • Impact of Temperature Change on Urban Electric Power Load in Nanjing

    温度 变化对南京城市电力负荷的影响

  • Well I can say that the temperature change that I 'm looking at is also pretty small .

    好,我能说 温度 变化,基本上很小。

  • Now I know how to relate the heat flow to temperature change through the heat capacity .

    现在我知道怎样把能量的流动,和 温度 变化联系起来,通过热容。

  • Investigation of Oxygen Free Radical in Locate Temperature Change of the Sciatic Nerve

    对坐骨神经局部 温度 变化过程中氧自由基的研究

  • All you care about is what was the temperature change ?

    所有需要关心的就是 温度 变化

  • Effects of air temperature change on spring wheat growth at different altitudes in northwest arid area

    西北干旱区不同海拔高度地区 气温 变化对春小麦生长的影响

  • Study on Temperature Change and Dynamic Leaching Law of Sulfide Ore Heap

    硫化矿尾矿堆的 温度 变化和动态淋溶规律研究