temporary pattern

[ˈtɛmpəˌrɛri ˈpætən][ˈtempərəri ˈpætən]


  • Conclusions In our study we demonstrated a marked increase in the expression of IL 1 β protein very soon after MCAO with reperfusion the increased IL 1 β protein expression in response to temporary cerebral ischemia takes on time pattern .

    结论本研究证明了大鼠大脑中动脉栓塞再灌后可诱发 IL-1β表达增加,且IL-1β的表达具有明显的时间 规律

  • In comprehensive consideration of both the temporary blocking and removing blockage a new pattern complex temporary blocking - removing blockage technique was proposed .

    综合考虑 堵和解堵两方面的要求,形成了一种 新型的复合暂堵&解堵技术。

  • During the primary socialist stage some temporary restorations are regular pattern phenomenon which can not be avoid .

    在社会主义初级阶段,某种 暂时复辟是难以完全避免的带 规律性的现象。

  • The technology of line reinforced by the temporary beam in the D pattern and container bridge jacking has been widely applied .
