


  • Since that April temblor the governors of Illinois and Missourihave formed task forces to assess earthquake preparedness .

    自从那次四月份 地震,美国伊利诺斯州和密苏里州已经组织了特别部队用于准备地震。

  • But given the military 's lack of airlift capacity just a fraction were able to arrive in the quake-hit area by plane in the first day or so after the temblor hit .

    但是,鉴于中国军队缺乏空运能力,只有一小部分士兵能在 震后第一天左右的时间抵达灾区。

  • The Poetic Appeal under Graphical Supremacy & Revelations from Works on the Genre of Temblor

    图像霸权下的诗性诉求&从 地震题材作品中 获得的几点启示

  • Report says this pair suffers the Hawaiian house price after violent temblor is invaded it is needle of potion strong heart undoubtedly have stable soldier 's morale action .

    报导说,这对遭受强烈 地震侵袭后的夏威夷房价,无疑是一剂强心针,具有“稳定军心”的作用。

  • However the temblor served as a warning to southern Californians who had not experienced an earthquake in some time : the Big One remains a possibility .

    然而,这次 地震给有一段时间未被地震 侵扰的南 加洲 居民 了一个醒,可能会有更大的地震 发生

  • At least 20 aftershocks registering a 6.0 magnitude or higher have followed the main temblor .


  • Still the temblor struck a rural but relatively densely populated region .

    不过 地震 虽然发生在农村地区,但当地人口稠密。

  • The largest recorded earthquake in modern times on the island of Hispaniola was an 8.1-magnitude temblor that produced a tsunami and killed 1 people .

    现代有记载的最强烈地震,8.1级大 地震 发生伊斯帕尼奥拉岛、造成海啸并导致1790人死亡。

  • When the temblor struck that weakness probably caused a bigger portion of the sea bottom in the area to deform suddenly thereby displacing more seawater and creating bigger tsunamis .

    地震 发生时,这个脆弱的 地方可能造成该区域海底一个较大的部分突然变型,从而使更多的海水 改变 位置形成更大规模的海啸。

  • An earthquake ( also known as a quake tremor or temblor ) is the result of a sudden release of energy in the Earth 's crust that creates seismic waves .

    地震(又称 地动、地 振动)是地壳快速释放能量过程中造成的 振动期间会产生地震波。

  • The temblor was in the same area as last month's6.5 earthquake that damaged hundreds of buildings in Eureka a quiet town on Humboldt Bay .

    上月该地还发生了6.5级地震,尤里卡的建筑遭到了损坏。 尤里卡是洪堡湾一个安静的小镇。