thermal power station

[ˈθɚməl ˈpaʊɚ ˈsteʃən][ˈθə:məl ˈpauə ˈsteiʃən]


  • Collecting Heat Supply Thermal Power Station Temperature Control System Imitation

    集中供热 热力 温度控制系统的仿真

  • Simulation Research of Fast Mixing Process of Ultra-high Flow Rate in DeNox Reactor of Thermal Power Station

    火电 烟气脱硝大流量高速混合过程仿真研究

  • Optimization Study on Combustion Control System of Thermal Power Station Based on Data Mining Integrated Model

    数据挖掘集成模型的 火电 燃烧系统控制优化研究

  • Taking the first phase project of Ningde thermal power station as an example soil erosion characteristics are studied and some practical control measures are put forward .

    以福建大唐宁德 火电 一期工程为例,分析其水土流失的特点,并提出切实可行的防治措施。

  • Thermal Power Station is the second net heat source the main energy-consuming device is a heat exchanger circulating pump and fill the secondary network of pumps .

    热力 是二级网热源,主要耗能设备是换热器、二级网循环水泵和补水泵。

  • In the nuclear plant thermal piping and auxiliary systems are many and complex but the surface temperature is lower than the thermal power station .

    核电站汽机房的布置形式和发 热量 火力 发电 有很大的差别,其热力管道和配套系统多而复杂,但表面温度偏低。

  • The measures of anticorrosive paint for the fan in thermal power station are described .

    重点叙述了 火力 发电 风机防腐涂装措施。

  • This paper introduces the structure and work process of refuse incineration thermal power station .

    本文介绍了燃烧垃圾 热电 的组成和工作过程。

  • Application Research of DCS System Based on Windows NT 4.0 in Thermal Power Station

    基于WINDOWSnt4.0平台的DCS系统在 火电 的应用研究

  • The ash-flushing wastewater brings about many unfavorable factors to the normal operation of the thermal power station .

    火电 的冲灰废水对电厂的正常运行带来许多不利因素。

  • The feasibility of adding cooling supply system in thermal power station is described .

    阐述了 热电 夏季增加供冷系统的可行性;

  • This paper analyzes the possibility using cycling water to supply heat by heat pump in thermal power station .

    探讨以 火力 发电 的循环水为热源,通过热泵循环, 提升 发电 循环水温度,实现采暖供热的可能性。

  • The application of Fuzzy-Pi composite control in the superheated steam temperature system of thermal power station is primarily studied in this dissertation .

    本文主要研究Fuzzy&PI复合控制在 火电 过热蒸汽温度系统中的应用。

  • Index management system and its implementation for thermal power station

    火力 发电 指标管理系统的体系和实施

  • A thermal power station generating electricity by means of an electromagnetic field acting on a plasma stream .

    利用电磁场作用于等离子流发电的 热力 发电

  • This paper introduces several common ventilation schemes of thermal power station 's main workshops puts forward the ventilation scheme suitable for thermal power station 's main workshops in cold areas that is natural air-intake natural + mechanical air-exhaust by roof axial fan .

    本文介绍了几种常见的火电站主厂房通风方案,提出了适合于严寒地区 火电 的主厂房通风方案:即自然进风、自然+屋顶轴流风机机械排风。

  • In the simulation of flue gas desulfurization and denitrification system of large-scale thermal power station boost fan is the core of flue gas system .

    在大型 火力 发电 机组烟气脱硫脱硝系统的仿真过程中,增压风机是风烟系统仿真的核心。

  • Study of Waterhammer in Circulating Cooling Water System of Thermal Power Station

    火电 循环冷却水系统水泵断电水锤计算研究

  • As a part of the project of energy-saving potential diagnosis based on artificial intelligence in thermal power station this paper elementarily studied the important factor which affects boiler 's operation economy-loss-boiler 's air leak .

    本文作为基于人工智能理论的 火力 发电 机组节能潜力诊断课题中的一部分,针对影响电站锅炉运行经济性损失的重要因素&锅炉漏风,进行了初步的研究。

  • The paper studied the integrated control arithmetic of Fuzzy-PI for the above problems and made a simulation in over-heated steam temperature system of a thermal power station .

    文章针对这种情况,研究了Fuzzy-PI复合控制算法,并针对某 火电 燃煤锅炉过热蒸汽温度进行了仿真研究。

  • Through on-the-spot investigation and laboratory analysis a study on the effects of soil physical and chemical properties of cinder yard of Wuhu Thermal Power Station on vegetation was carried out .

    经实地考察分析,对芜湖 火力 发电 灰渣场地理化性质和植物生长的关系进行了研究。

  • Application of Composite Fuzzy Serial Control System to Superheated Steam Temperature of Thermal Power Station

    复合模糊串级系统在 火电 过热汽温控制中的应用

  • The 200 000 kw thermal power station has been completed and is in operation .

    这个20万千瓦 火力 发电 已建成并投入运行。

  • Investigation of PLC-based pH value control system for boiler 's feed water in thermal power station

    基于PLC的 电厂锅炉给水pH控制系统研究

  • Protection Study Avoiding Transient Negative Pressure by Air Vessel of Thermal Power Station Pumping System

    压力空气罐对 火电 补给水系统瞬态负压的防护研究

  • The application of parameter operation loop of furnace pressure adjust system in thermal power station

    参数运算回路在 火电 炉膛压力调节系统中的应用

  • The Paper elaborates the reason why the ground of steam turbine in the thermal power station unevenly subsides and the successful experience of ground strengthening with CN method .

    阐述了 热电 汽轮机基础产生不均匀沉降的原因,以及采用CN法对其地基进行加固的成功经验。

  • The Economic Performance of Nuclear Thermal Power Station in Southeast Area of Our Country

    谈我国东南地区核 电站的经济性

  • Salary Administration System for Construction Enterprise of Thermal Power Station Object


  • The Application of CAN Bus in Safety Monitoring System for Coal Bunker of Thermal Power Station

    CAN总线在 火电 煤仓安全监测系统中的应用