the time of day

[ði taɪm ʌv de][ðə taim ɔv dei]


  • Small differences in amounts or even the time of day can influence results .

    数量上微小的差异甚至 中不同 时间都会影响到研究的结果。

  • We 've been authorized to give you the time of day .

    我们被授权给你 时间

  • Time / date information log notes the time of day and date of the recording .

    时间/日期信息日志债券 日期及 时间 录制。

  • The time of day appointed for this service traditionally midnight or2 am but often sunrise .

    正经祈祷 时间,传统上是在半夜或凌晨2点,但通常是在日出时。

  • He passes the time of day with his parents every morning .

    他每早向他的双亲 请安

  • One or two people went up and passed the time of day with her

    一两个人走过去和她 招呼

  • The time of day appointed for this service usually the third hour after sunrise .

    三时举行这种仪式所指定的 时间,通常是太阳升起后第三个小时。

  • I only passed the time of day with him . We didn 't talk about anything important .

    我只是和他 聊天儿,并没有谈到重要的事。

  • The time of day that we arrive around6pm is perfect .

    我们下午6点左右到达,正是 时候

  • To pass the time of day to come to me ?

    通过 时间到我这里来?

  • The amount of sugar in our blood stream varies with the time of day as does our temperature .

    我们血液中的血糖水平以及体温随 时间不同而不同。

  • But no matter the time of day neither city has anything approaching clean air .

    但无论是 哪个 时段,这两个城市的空气都算不上干净。

  • Time is a non-renewable resource wherever you are whatever the time of day .

    无论你身处何地,身在 何时,时间是一种不可再生资源。

  • Gets the time of day for this instance .

    获取此实例的 当天 时间

  • Yes this was the time of day when long ago I used to feel happy .

    是的,这是很久以前我感到满意的 那个 时刻

  • They can 't even say ' good morning ' or pass the time of day .

    他们甚至不会说“早上好”或打声 招呼

  • Although I spoke to him a number of times it was only to pass the time of day .

    我虽然和他说过许多次话,但 寒喧而已。

  • We are watching your growth across the ocean all the time of day .

    我们在大洋彼岸 时刻关注着你的成长。

  • There 's a lot of traffic at the time of day .

    在一 时间里往来的车辆很多。

  • And you two jokers don 't even give her the time of day .

    你们 两个小丑别再让她 尴尬了。

  • If the time between tokens varies according to the time of day you can use a timetable trigger .

    如果令牌之间的时间间隔在 的不同 时间是不同 ,您可以使用时间表触发器。

  • It is best to find the time of day that is going to keep you motivated .

    最好是找到 个让你保持锻炼动力 时间

  • I just wanted to pass the time of day with her but she completely ignored me .

    我只是想和她 聊聊,可她完全不理我。

  • I think spent the time of day getting the conclusion that I leave the ganoderma lucidum more and more far already felt some disappointed isn 't so go back ?

    我觉得花了 时间,得出的结论是好像离灵芝已经越来越远了,心中有一些怅然,难道就这样回去了?

  • This assertion takes care of the Time of day point of variability in our business process .

    此断言处理业务流程中 Time of day可变点。

  • He 's been here long enough to know the time of day .

    他在这里呆了 很久,情况很熟悉。

  • Is the time of day when the distribution task stops being scheduled .

    停止调度分发任务 时间

  • If you can read a clock you can know the time of day .

    如果你会看钟,那么你可以知道 时间

  • Sequencing takes various factors into consideration such as the time of day you 're teaching ;

    在体式顺序中需要考虑到那些变化的因素,例如你教授的课程 不同 时段