the Way of the Cross


  • And that the only way to the resurrection life and the ascension mount is the way of the garden the cross and the grave .

    我们也忘记了复活的生命,和升天的荣耀,是 客西马尼十字架和坟墓里 的。

  • Of the worlds most remote distance it is not impossible to resist the evil thoughts but you have no way to do things on you but with their own indifference hearts of the people dug a love you could not cross the ditch .

    世界上最遥远的距离,不是明明无法抵挡 股思念,却还得装做 丝毫没有把你放在心里,而是用自己冷漠的心,对爱你 人掘了一条无法 跨越的沟渠。

  • Tis the way of the Cross are you willing for this ?

    这是 道路!你愿否 这个?

  • The way for the church to come into being and to increase is not by human glory ; it is by the death of the cross .

    产生并扩增召会 ,不是借着人的荣耀,乃是借着 十字架的死。

  • The results show that comparing with the original way feeding rare earths wires into tundish produces more uniform distribution and smaller sizes of inclusions in the cross section higher impact toughness of the material and no surface defects can be found in hot rolled steel plates .

    结果表明:与结晶器喂稀土 连铸板坯相比,中间包喂稀土连铸板坯 横断面稀土夹杂物大多呈细小颗粒状均匀分布,冲击韧性更高,热轧后钢板未出现表面缺陷;

  • For two Lonicera shows the best way of pollination is the cross pollination seed set that is both pollinated flowers with high and low rate the number of pollinator species have some connection .

    说明黄花忍冬和金银忍冬 最佳繁殖 方式 异花授粉,即二者的结实率与传粉者访花率高低、传粉者种类的多少有一定的联系。

  • Analysis shows that it is the best way to improve the stress distribution of the twin-box single cross section of cable-stayed bridge by thickening the bottom flange .

    分析表明:加厚底板对斜拉桥双箱单室 箱形主梁应力分布的改善效果最佳。

  • Therefore the ANC approach of the transfer reactions provides a reliable way for the determination of the capture cross sections at stellar energies .

    因此,转移反应的渐近归一化常数方法处理提供了一可靠的 途径用以确定恒星能量下 俘获 截面

  • Key points are used to define and manipulate the shape of axis and its attached section curves giving the user a direct and easy way to control the overall shape of B-spline surface skinned over the cross sections .

    方便用户操作,它将B样条曲面的表面关键点分组映射至 轴线上,而关键点被用来定义和操纵轴线及曲面的形状。

  • The way of glory leads right to the cross .

    荣耀 ,通往 十字架 凯旋。

  • A traditional devotion like the Way of the Cross If you get in trouble don 't hesitate to ask for advice .

    有如天主教‘拜苦 传统宗教仪式如果碰到麻烦,要赶紧向人 求教

  • Known as the ' way of sorrows Via Dolorosa traces the route walked by Christ toward the cross where he was crucified .

    以悲痛之 而著名 是当年耶稣被钉在 十字架上押往刑场时走过 路。

  • We sometimes seem to forget that what God takes He takes in fire ;( Isa . 48:10 ) and that the only way to the resurrection life and the ascension mount is the way of the garden the cross and the grave .

    我们有时候好像忘记了神拣选我们,是要在苦难的炉中拣选的(赛四十八章十节)。我们也忘记了复活的生命,和升天 荣耀,是 客西马尼十字架和坟墓里来的。