the rank and file

[ði ræŋk ənd faɪl][ðə ræŋk ænd fail]

列兵, 普通老百姓

  • They formed the rank and file of the republican armies in England against the rule of the king .

    在反抗国王统治的战争中 正是他们,组成 这支共和军。

  • There was widespread support for him among the rank and file

    那些 普通 职员们都普遍支持他

  • EXAMPLE : The factory 's new owner was popular with the rank and file because he walked around meeting them and asking about problems they experienced with their jobs .

    工厂的新老板受到 普通 员工的喜爱 因为他走到各处会见他们,向他们询问工作中的问题。

  • When the leaders are divided the rank and file are confused .

    领导意见分歧, 群众 无所适从

  • The leadership and the rank and file are of one mind ( or work in unison ) .

    上下 一条心

  • When access finally was granted to me and others in the rank and file here you could hear the gasps from cubicles when we all saw what we had been missing .

    这里 其他 普通 员工最终得到了允许,当我们大家看到自己究竟错过些什么消息时,格子间里传出了阵阵惊讶的声音。

  • The rank and file I am convinced do not want the strike . It is only the brass-hats who are interested in keeping it going .

    我相信 普通 群众 不要这次罢工,只有那些头头才对继续罢工感兴趣。

  • The rank and file get perturbed even frightened if they think some new top-down management scheme is being forced upon them .

    如果他们认为一些新 自上而下的管理模式被强制的推行到他们 一些人感到不安,甚至是惊讶。

  • Well as I 've often said though our old minister is so much at one with the rank and file there 's still a good tenth of our people who wouldn 't know him from adam .

    我常说,别看我们老部长那么联系 群众 部里也有那么十分之一的人不认识他吧;

  • To retain credibility the government has to convince the rank and file that its policies are best for them .

    为了继续保持 其信任,政府不得不使 民众相信其政策是最好的。

  • There are now considerable political differences between leadership and the rank and file .

    在领导层与 普通 百姓之间存在着相当大的政治 分岐

  • They seem to be losing the support of the rank and file .

    他们好像正失去 基层 会员的支持。

  • Any complaint such as underpowered laptops or onerous rules at the company gym that generates at least 50 votes gets management attention and the onus on the rank and file to fix the problem .

    任何至少获得50票的投诉,比如,低电量的笔记本电脑或公司健身馆繁多的条例,都会引起管理层的关注,并由 普通 员工负责解决这个问题。

  • Therefore we must once again bring home to the cadres and the rank and file the idea that because ours is a poor big country we must work hard with a pioneering spirit .

    因此,必须再一次向干部和 群众进行教育,我们是个穷国、大国,一定要艰苦创业。

  • It seems that the rank and file of the party hadn 't been consulted .

    似乎没有征求 广大 普通 党员的意见。

  • As one of the rank and file I shall never be considered a big shot .

    我只是 普通 成员之一,不会被认为是大人物。

  • Many women make up the rank and file of the front-line rebel units .

    很多妇女都是 叛军前线部队的 成员

  • The trade union leader has been elected from members of the rank and file .

    工会领袖是从 普通 会员 选出来

  • The sticking point is we should believe that engineer could be a member of rank and fashion instead of down with the rank and file !

    其附带的观点是,我们应该相信工程师能成为 上流社会中的一员,而不是降为 平民 百姓

  • The rank and file does not like the decision .

    工会 普通 会员不喜欢这个决定。

  • He has often advised the comrades to learn from the rank and file and from the masses as he himself has been doing .

    他常常指导同志向下 群众去学习,他自己也是这样做的。

  • But what of the rank and file of them ?

    但是他们 大多数 怎么样呢?

  • After the many tests of the past dozen years the political attitudes of our young and middle-aged comrades are basically clear to both the leadership and the rank and file .

    经过十多年的考验,中青年同志的政治面貌,领导和 群众基本上都是清楚的。

  • It will be the rank and file not the newspaper editors who will finally decide who is to be elected .

    最终决定谁当选的不是报纸 报社编辑而是 普通 百姓

  • There was no doubt they were going somewhere but the rank and file could only guess where .

    无疑,他们快 开拔了,但是开往哪里? 当兵的只能猜想。

  • What will the rank and file think of the proposal ?

    人民 群众怎么看待这一提案?