the departed

[ði dɪˈpɑrtɪd][ðə diˈpɑ:tid]


  • Fill the power vacuum which the departed political strongman left

    填补政治 强人留下的权力真空

  • The Departed was the big winner at this year 's Academy Awards taking home four awards including Best Picture and Best Director for Martin Scorsese .


  • The family of the departed remained after the funeral service .

    葬礼后, 死者的家属留 下来。

  • Almighty lord deign to grant peace to the departed soul .

    万能的神啊,请让 逝去 灵魂安息吧。

  • Many Japanese spent Sunday floating lanterns down rivers honouring the souls of the departed .

    过去,许多日本人会在周日将灯笼放在河上顺流而下, 缅怀 逝去的亡灵。

  • Entire families save up for months so that the requisite number of buffalo can be killed to help transport the departed soul on its ghostly journey .

    全家人都要进行长达数月的储备,好攒够必需的水牛头数,在葬礼上屠宰,让 离世的灵魂搭乘 这些水牛走过可怕的旅程。

  • 378 . Apart from that apartment the departed department leader was partly partial to this one .

    378.除了那套公寓外, 已故系领导还有点偏爱这一套。

  • The Departed said : You shall pay for all what you had done .

    无间 》说:“ 出来 ,总是要还的”。

  • For centuries we have marked our dead with lifeless granite & graves inscribed with names dates perhaps small inscriptions about the departed .

    几个世纪以来,我们都在用毫无生气的花岗岩 怀念 逝者刻着名字、生卒的墓碑,也许还附上一段铭文。

  • Others do it as a way to provide comfort & both to themselves and the departed .

    其他的人用这种方式,安慰自己和 死去

  • The old man talked for hours about the departed triumphs of his youth .

    老人长时间地谈论他年轻时 逝去的辉煌。

  • Not even the loving relationship with her husband that has gone like the departed flesh of his soul

    就算是她和她先生之间的爱情亦如 逝去的肉体, 灵魂远去

  • Lennon was assassinated in 1980 outside his apartment in the western side of New York 's Central Park . Apart from that apartment the departed department leader was partly partial to this one .

    蓝侬于一九八○年在纽约中央公园西区的公寓外被暗杀。除了那套公寓外, 已故系领导还有点偏爱这一套。

  • Then mine is to help the departed find their path to heaven .

    那么我的 职责就是帮助 逝者找到天堂之路。

  • The First Book indeed contains distinct prayers for the soul of the departed but these were removed in1552 and have never been restored .

    第一本书,而事实上,包含了鲜明的祈祷灵魂 离去,但这些被拆除,在1552年,一直没有恢复。

  • Let 's pray for the souls of the departed .

    让我们为 逝者的灵魂祈祷。

  • Pray for the soul of the departed .


  • He was so good that even though I saw The Departed first I still think Infernal Affairs is the much better movie .

    他是如此出色以至于虽然我看美版 神鬼无间》在先仍然认为《无间道》要精彩得多。

  • The rice bowl is filled not for the living but as an offering to the departed .

    满盛的饭碗不是为了求生,而给 献祭

  • The flashback-filled episode will also show that fateful day when Elena 's parents ' car crashed but don 't assume that the episode title The Departed refers to their deaths .

    此外还有许多闪回情节将讲述埃琳娜父母发生车祸的那关键一天,不过该集的名字 逝者》指的并不是他们的去世。

  • At Catholic funeral homes they give out mass cards with the name and picture of the departed .

    天主教的殡仪馆会把弥撒通知单(有名字和照片) 发给 在场 个人

  • Catholics he tells us held that ghosts came from Purgatory and were actually souls of the departed .

    他说,天主教认为,鬼魂来自炼狱,是 真正灵魂。

  • The departed was a good teacher in our department .


  • Ancient Egyptians believed that the soul of the departed survived only as long as the name was remembered .

    远古的埃及人相信,只要名字被记得, 过去 的灵魂只 生还了。

  • They pray for the souls of the departed .

    他们为 死者的亡灵祈祷。

  • They observed a two minutes ' silence in memory of the departed .

    人们为 死者静默两分钟。