the worst way

[ði wɚst we][ðə wə:st wei]

十分, 非常, 强烈地

  • As I came up through the ranks I was one of the worst . Would you want one way or round trip ?

    在逐级往上爬的时候,我是做得 的人中间的一个。是 单程的还是往返的?

  • You wanted her in the worst way .

    你用 肮脏 方式想得到她。

  • The worst one would be when I was in a lift with a patient on our way back to the ward the shaking lift made me had no choice but rob my patient 's vomiting bag very unprofessionally !


  • Thus the initiative was lost at the very first move and that is really the worst and most stupid way to fight .

    开脚一步就丧失了主动权,真是最蠢 打法

  • While sufficient for this example this is pretty much the worst way to produce XML from Java code .

    虽然对这个示例来说足够了,但是对于从Java代码生成XML来说则是 方式

  • Allowing the fate of the euro to be driven by a succession of market panics would be the worst possible way of breaking up the single currency .

    糟糕的欧元解体 方式莫过于将欧元的命运交由一连串的市场恐慌来主宰。

  • Dewey 's story starts in the worst possible way .

    小猫杜威的故事,说来好似 极其 可能

  • Accepting the worst or the best in equal stride acting in such a way that either outcome will not control her thats beautiful .

    接受 一面也接受最好的一面, 这样无论什么结果都不会控制到她,这才是美。

  • No the worst thing by a very very long way was a compulsory visit to the neighbourhood bowling alley .

    糟糕 透顶的事,莫过于必须得去附近的保龄球馆。

  • Even as talk mounted of the rich world suffering its worst financial collapse since the Depression emerging economies seemed a long way from the centre of the storm .

    正当到处都在谈论富裕国家所遭受 这场自大萧条以来 严重的金融危机时,新兴国家们似乎还 远离着风暴中心。

  • The worst way to miss someone is to be seated by his / her side and know you 'll never have him / her .

    错过一个人 可怕 方式就是:坐在他/她的身旁,你却知道永远都不会拥有他/她。

  • The worst nightmares I have are when I dream I 've gone to a big city and all of a sudden the roads have gone mad and I can 't find my way home .

    我做过的噩梦中 可怕 就是梦见自己去了一个大城市,突然之间道路全乱了,我找不到 回家 了。

  • It would be the worst kind of fart ever : you couldn ` t deny it you couldn ` t escape it and the smell would stay with you all the way back to the space station .

    不可否认,这可谓是史上 糟糕的屁了,你甚至不能避开它。 的是,这种气味会一直伴随你 回到太空站。

  • There are advantages and disadvantages to all of these frameworks so I 'll try to point out the best ( and worst ) features of each along the way .

    这些框架各有优缺点,所以我会试图逐步指出每 框架所具有 最佳(和 )特性。

  • America then deals with the mismatch between supply and demand in the worst possible way allocating the visas by lottery .

    美国随后采用了 方法 对付这种供求不平衡的情况:抽签。

  • And he wanted to break Stacy in the worst way .

    他打算用 方式去折磨stacy。

  • There is a first assessment then a second a third a fourth he said . This is the worst possible way of doing things .

    先有第一次评估,然后是第二次,第三次,第四次,他表示,这是 糟糕 行事 方法

  • The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can 't have them .

    错过一个人 糟糕 方式 过于:与坐在他身边却知道你们不可能。

  • But the worst thing was the way he kept the darkies stirred up .

    可恨 是他不断煽动那些黑人。

  • Whatever can go wrong will go wrong and at the worst possible time in the worst possible way .

    任何可能出现的差错将会出现,在最坏的时间,以 糟糕 方式

  • And the worst thing is that I was told by Unit Commander that I have to do my duty & sweep the stairs from second floor all the way to forth flour twice a day .


  • Here are some business execs and business founders who not only said their customers were wrong but insulted their client base in the worst way .

    本文介绍的几位高管和公司创始人不仅直言客户是错误的,甚至 客户 大加羞辱。

  • But another lesson from Kyrgyzstan is that corrupt paternalist rule with a strongly ex-Soviet mindset is the very worst way to deliver it in the long run and possibly even the short .

    另一个从Kyrgyzstan中得到的教训是,,腐败的,家长式的前苏联心态原管理,不管长期还是短期,都是 方式去运行他。