thermal rating

[ˈθɚməl ˈretɪŋ][ˈθə:məl ˈreitiŋ]


  • This article introduces real time thermal rating ( RTTR ) and water monitoring systems which are used in HV cable systems .

    介绍应用于高压电缆系统中的实时 温度 监测系统和水分监测系统。

  • Previously a usual practice aiming to raise the line transmission capacity was to improve its ampacity or thermal rating by means of increasing the conductor cross section or its clearance to terrain .

    提高输电能力的常用做法是通过增加导线截面或对地距离来改善输电线路的载流容量或 额定

  • According to the carrier route change and temperature change is synchronized between the proposed real-time static thermal rating and the concept of transient thermal rating .

    根据线路载流变化与温度变化之间是否同步,阐述实时静态 与暂态热定值的概念及应用。

  • Heat capacity of the lines in the analysis the combination of transmission line parameters of the actual operating environment to get real-time line heat capacity that is the real-time transmission line static thermal rating .


  • Extremely highly thermal conductivity and dielectric strength excellent for high temperature has a UL Flame Rating of94V-0 useful in electric mechanical and airborne aerospace industry .

    导热灌封胶,硅胶,电子用硅胶,极高的 导热性和绝缘性,优秀的高温运用范围, UL94V-0认证,能满足电子机械和航天、航空工业的需要。

  • The Dynamic Thermal Circuit Rating ( DTCR ) of the transmission lines can be considered as the calculation basis for the increase of the transmission line capacity .

    输电线动态 热容等级 DTCR可用作提高输电线路的传输容量的核算依据。

  • The HV Cable Transmission Links Using Real Time Thermal Rating ( RTTR ) and Water Monitoring Systems

    采用实时 温度 监测和水分监测系统的高压电缆线路