the sheep and the goats


  • The viruses were isolated by cocultivation of sheep foetal lung cells and the peripheral blood mononuclear cells of goats inoculated with ovine progressive pneumonia virus ( OPPV ) .

    绵羊胎肺细胞 接种绵羊进行性肺炎病毒(OPPV)的 山羊外周血单核细胞共同培养 方法可以分离到病毒, 说明OPPV可以感染山羊。

  • Epidemiological date indicates that ENT prevalence in the sheep areas such as Inner Mongolia Hunan and Sichuan etc which seriously affected the development of germplasm resources of local goats .

    在国内,·该病主要流行于内蒙古、湖南 四川等 主要 地区,严重影响了当地 山羊种质资源 发展。

  • If the rapture occurred at the second coming why would the sheep and the goats need to be separated immediately after the second coming ?

    如果被提发生在耶稣第二次再来,为何还必须分别 绵羊 山羊

  • An instinctively divisive figure former prime minister always believed in dividing the quick and the dead into the sheep and the goats .

    这位前首相天生是一位引起分裂的人物,总是习惯将生者和死者划分为 好人 坏人