with reference to

[wɪð ˈrɛfərəns tu][wið ˈrefrəns tu:]


  • He summed up his philosophy with reference to Calvin .

    他总结了自己的哲学,还 提及了加尔文。

  • With reference to your letter of yesterday we cannot accept the offer .


  • The prices of our products are determined with reference to the market prices .

    本厂的产品价格是 参照市场价格确定的。

  • 3D discuss the following questions in small groups with reference to the reading .

    小组讨论 关于阅读材料中的下面的问题。

  • With reference to your order No.123 we have effected shipment .


  • What plants grow in ( especially with reference to its quality or use ) .

    植物生长的地方(尤其 涉及其质量和用途)。

  • Suggests implements and controls the application of procedures relevant to quality assurance with reference to his department .

    本部门内,建议、实施并控制 质量保证 相关的工作程序;

  • This article analyzed the current situation of company 's credit control and proposed certain instruments to tight up credit management with reference to company 's internal management and external environment building .

    本文通过对企业信用管理的现状和深层次原因分析,提出了加强信用管理的方法和途径, 企业内部管理,外部环境建设等方面做了一些探讨。

  • Please answer with reference to specific literatures and examples .

    特定的文献和例子来加以 说明

  • All the things we are talking about here are with reference to the gas phase .

    所有我们在这里 谈到的,都和气相有关。

  • This paper studies the plasticity and the elasticity of stock prices via analogical reasoning with reference to material plasticity and elasticity in the field of physics .

    借用物理学领域中 有关材料的塑性和弹性的 理论类比推理方法研究股票价格变化中体现的塑性和弹性。

  • But when discussing the assembly of elements we shall express them with reference to a global system .

    但是如果我们考虑的是元素的全体,那么我们 整体 编号系统 中将它们表示出来。

  • Sociolinguistics & the study of language with reference to society .

    研究语言 社会 文化的产生。

  • Let us begin by working out the case with reference to the problem in hand .

    现在让我们 掌握的问题 开始阐明这种情况。

  • Such variation can no doubt be explained with reference to the habitats in which individual species have developed .

    毫无 疑问,这种变异内可以解释 种群个体被生活环境的发展。

  • The infinity of God may also be viewed with reference to space and is then called His immensity .

    上帝的无限性也可以 空间的角度来看,这称作祂的广大性。

  • The oil should be selected with reference to the operating conditions .

    选择润滑油时应 考虑运行条件。

  • A drawing illustrating the relations between certain quantities plotted with reference to a set of axes .

    说明某些量之间关系的图,绘制时 参照一套轴线。

  • To explore diversity and dynamic views from international experts with reference to health and modern science researches .

    为了探索国际专家 参考 关于健康和现代科学研究的多样性和动态观点。

  • Box 6.2 spells out these points with reference to sugar policy .

    专栏6.2 根据食糖政策的情况指出了这几点。

  • Then each order the customer places with reference to this contract will decrease the available quantity of this contract .

    那么该客户 参照该合同下达的每个订单将减少该合同可用的数量配额。

  • It is so called in common language and with reference to the individual not improperly .

    在日常用语中,这种财产被称 资本,仅就个人来说,这没有什么 不妥之处。

  • On that basis with reference to international experiences this thesis makes the suggestions on how to improve the Chinese EPS criterion in order to enhance the information capacity of Chinese EPS index .

    在此基础上, 借鉴国际经验,对我国每股收益准则提出完善建议,以提高我国每股收益指标的信息质量。

  • Displaying errors with reference to time

    显示错误 相应的时间

  • With reference to Mr.A 's personality and honesty you may ask his supervisor .


  • To discuss the relationship between man and nature with reference to the cases relevant to noise .

    有关 具体社会案例为材料,充分讨论人与自然的关系;

  • We can quantify these contributions with reference to Fig. 5 .

    我们可以 图5中的 参数 定量地表示这些因素的影响。

  • I am writing with reference to your article on salaries for scientists

    我写此 为了 回应你那篇 探讨科学家薪水的文章。

  • Stimulate discussion and further study about AIDS with reference to the cultural aspects of chinese ;

    就中国人的文化思想,激发起对 爱滋病问题的讨论和进一步研究;