with respect to

[wɪð rɪˈspɛkt tu][wið risˈpekt tu:]

关于, (至于)谈到

  • In this article we investigate the regularity of inductive limits with respect to weak topologies .

    本文研究了诱导极限 弱拓扑的正则性。

  • Clearly developing improved humans will create great social and political problems with respect to unimproved humans .

    显然,培育改进了的人种 未改进的人类 而言会产生社会和政治问题。

  • The3rd must maintain curiosity to new thing without curiosity also with respect to intangibility new opportunity .

    第三必须对新的东西保持好奇心,没有好奇心,也 不能把握新的机会了。

  • We must plan with respect to the future .

    我们必须 未来 打算

  • Having or showing shrewdness and discernment especially with respect to one 's own concerns .

    敏锐的,精明的有或显示出精明和敏锐的理解力或判断力,尤指 与其相关的 方面

  • In truth I found myself incorrigible with respect to order .

    真的,我发现自己 秩序 方面实在积习难改。

  • With respect to audio and video special services for support of real-time access and transmission must be provided .


  • A visible Israeli presence on the road will make his position with respect to the agreement untenable .

    只要以色列人出现在那条公路上,就会使他 对待协议的立场 无法维持下去。

  • This not only brings efficiency with respect to memory utilization but also increases the processing speed .

    这不仅 内存利用率 方面提高了效率,而且还提高了处理速度。

  • So my first topic with respect to this was not death but obesity .

    而我 据此的第一个研究课题,不是死亡,而是肥胖症。

  • Linear with respect to each of two variables or positions .

    两个变量或位置的每一个都 有关的直线。

  • In2006 all the rules changed with respect to operating system upgrades in AIX .

    在2006年,所有 有关AIX上的操作系统升级规则都发生了变化。

  • And this is the derivative with respect to pressure .

    这是化学 压强的导数。

  • Only with respect to the throne will I be greater than you .

    惟独 宝座上我比你大。

  • The article liberalizes with respect to Chinese commerce undertook quantitative analysis to the influence of industrial obtain employment .

    本文 中国贸易自由化对工业就业的影响进行了定量分析。

  • It also provides perspective with respect to time projects releases and so forth .

    它也提供了 有关时间、项目、发布和其他方面的视角。

  • Security and user and group management are important aspects with respect to any operating system .


  • The organization shall identify the product status with respect to monitoring and measurement requirements .

    组织应 根据监视和测量要求标识产品的状态。

  • Also with respect to the U-value very good effects can be realised .

    也是 关于U值,起了很好的作用能够实现。

  • In structured analysis the study of shapes and forms herein with respect to the structure of modular hierarchies and organizations .

    在结构分析中,研究形状和格式的科学。此处指 模块层次和组织的结构的研究。

  • I 'll discuss each of them in turn with respect to Joda .

    我将 针对Joda依次讨论每一个概念。

  • In this article we discuss some questions with respect to number theory in the works of Euclid and diophantus .

    在本文中,我们讨论了 欧几里得和丢番图著作中 数论有关的某些问题。

  • Although it is known that exoteric factors influence upon male eugenesis there was a little with respect to the report of effect of exoteric factors on sperm morphology .

    虽然外界因素影响男性生育力受到广泛关注,但 有关外界因素与畸形精子关系的报道较少。

  • There are not many differences between functional and non-functional indexes with respect to how you create and use them .

    创建和使用 方面,函数索引和非函数索引之间存在着大量差异。

  • It is important to understand how the application is performing on the other platform with respect to these requirements .

    对照这些需求,应用程序在另一个平台 的表现如何,了解这一点是重要的。

  • There is no clear difference between parents and teachers with respect to the understanding and methods of setback education .

    幼儿家长与教师 挫折教育的理解水平和进行挫折教育的方法的正确程度上没有明显差异。

  • Parents often have little choice with respect to the way their child is medically treated
