within measure

[wɪðˈɪn ˈmɛʒɚ][wiˈðin ˈmeʒə]


  • The proportion of observers who could see more than 30 stars within the constellation of Orion with the naked eye – a measure of a truly dark sky – rose from 1 per cent in 2011 to 2 per cent in 2012 and 5 per cent this year .

    用裸眼 猎户座观测到30颗以上星星的观星者比例(这是 衡量夜空暗度的一项 指标)已从2011年的1%,升至2012年的2%,2013年这个比例更是达到了5%。

  • In order to keep the variation within the specified limits the necessary administration control nd measure for adjusting machine structure must be taken .

    为了使织物成布长度能控制在偏差 范围以内,文章讨论了 生产管理上的做法和机械结构上的改进 措施

  • After the factors of an effective importance measurement for a node within a node-weighted network are analyzed the comprehensive importance measure ( CIM ) for a node in a node-weighed network based on the approach of deleting node is modeled .

    在对节点赋权网络中节点重要性构成因素分析的基础上,利用节点删除的研究思想,提出节点赋权网络中节点重要性的综合 测度&CIM法;

  • Introduce functional monomer within measure to shell polymerization to study the effect of the polarity of shell polymer on the performance of core-shell emulsion .

    壳层聚合时,引入 适量功能单体改变壳层极性,研究壳层极性对乳液性能的影响规律。

  • Another aspect of building discipline within the development cycle is to understand and measure many of the metrics hidden within your code base .

    开发周期 的构建规程的另一个方面是了解和 测量代码库中隐藏的许多度量。

  • Greater equity in the health status of populations within and among countries should be regarded as a key measure of how we as a civilized society are making progress .

    国家 内部和国家之间人群健康状况方面的更大公平性应当被视为 衡量我们作为一个文明社会如何取得进展的关键 尺度

  • The length of the casings can be controlled to within 1 cm It realizes the automatic and accurate measure .

    肠衣 测量机设计新颖、性能可靠, 测量的肠衣长度可精确 1厘米,实现了精确 测量和自动 测量

  • It is necessary to strengthen the financing consciousness improve the corporate performance keep the risk away get into debt within measure and optimize the corporate governance structure to optimize the capital structure of agricultural listed companies .

    为优化资本结构,农业上市公司需要强化理财意识,提高公司的绩效,还需要防范风险, 适度负债,并需要优化公司的治理结构。

  • Within clearly designed boundaries one has a large measure of personal and professional autonomy .

    明确的工作范围 ,你可以有很大 程度的个人和职业自由。

  • The real operational practice shows the control system is able to maintain voltage quality within tolerable range . It is an effective measure to ensure the supply of high quality electricity power reduce the power loss and save the operating cost as well .

    实践表明应用该系统是即时控制电压 合格范围、供应优质电能、降低电力服务成本及降损节能的有效 措施

  • This paper introduces the structural features and functions of JWT-type cab radio signal within hump yard field application of its measure method and maintenance are introduced .

    介绍了 JWT型驼峰无线机车信号系统构成特点及功能,讲述了它在现场应用中的 检测方法与维护。

  • The result shows that ( 1 ) the properties of P 、 N film materials (μ c-Si : H ) have no obvious change within the measure errors after suffering the variational temperature by turns ;

    研究结果表明:(1)P、N层材料(μc-Si)在经历温度交变试验过程以后, 测量误差 范围 其光、暗电导率无明显变化;

  • Methods The method was to use the examination system to measure some items of a normal person and then compared the add-right result with the middle result within the normal reference range of national clinic measure rules in the same method measurement of that item .

    方法用待控制检测系统对正常人某项目进行测定,统计测定结果加权均值并与全国临床 检验操作规程中该项目相同方法测定正常参考 范围中间值比较。

  • At a distance but within view ; apart . Method for dissimilarity measure among intuitionistic fuzzy sets based on weighted Minkowski distance

    在距离上,游离 外在眼力能及的距离中;游离在外基于加权Minkowski距离的IFS相异度 度量方法

  • Mass Service within Measure to Promote Agricultural Machinery Benefits


  • The drift rates estimating error is within ( 0.003 / h ) when the measure time is 1 minute and is within 0.001/h when the measure time is 2 minutes by simulation .

    经仿真验证,测量时间为1分钟时,漂移率估计误差在0.003°/h以内, 测量时间为2分钟时估计误差在0.001°/h 以内

  • Compared with the system of supply power the solution of the critical problem within the system of supply heat which is how to measure quantity of heat is inicated .

    通过与热电系统比较,提出改变目前供热系统现状的关键,即用户的热能 计量问题。

  • Then the thesis introduces the market of real estate the definition of investment-oriented real estate purchase and the predominant investors and analyses the speculate in real estate at the same time consider the gamble a special investment but should control within measure .

    介绍了房地产市场、房地产投资性购买的含义、投资主体,考察了房地产投机,认为它是一种比较特殊的投资行为,但应 加以 适度控制。

  • Methods Echocardiographic examination was conducted in 142 AMI patients within 7 days during admission and color Doppler was used to measure MR.

    方法对142例AMI患者住院早期(7天 )行超声心动图检查,以彩色多普勒定量 测定其MR。

  • How to use state power within measure is an important issue in political maneuvers of states . In China it is national civil servants who represent government to exercise public power .


  • Metering in this situation means that components within the carburetor accurately measure and control the flow of fuel and air passing through the various carburetor systems .

    作为 计量装置的化油器要能精确地控制燃油与空气通过 化油器

  • It 's very nonintuitive but we will see that that 's quite accurate within the uncertainties that we can measure it .

    这与我们的直觉差异太大了,但在一定不确定 范围 ,这些结论相当准确。

  • Along the seabuckthorn dams and the small valley several sections were set two to three sample points for each section were selected . Soil samples were vertically selected from nine layers within 1 m depth to measure soil moisture content respectively .

    沿沟道及柔性坝坝体纵向设置若干断面,每个断面设2~3个采样点,每个采样点 1m深度 范围 分9层采集土样 测定土壤含水率。

  • As the EB confirmed the work done by WHO within countries is the most important measure of the performance of the entire Organization .

    执委会重申,世卫组织 国家开展的工作是全组织工作表现的最重要 衡量因素。

  • The number and variety of professions and occupations carried on within the limits of a community would seem to be one measure of its competency .

    社区范围 职业的数量和种类似乎是它的效能的 尺度之一。

  • To that above the door even unto the inner house and without and by all the wall round about within and without by measure .

    直到门以上,就是到 内殿和外殿 内外四围墙壁,都按 尺寸用木板遮蔽。

  • This chapter intergenerational income mobility within the measure index into relativism measure index and absolute socialist measure index .

    本章 测度代际 收入流动性的指标分为相对主义测度指标和绝对主义测度指标。

  • Measurement and control the system of this text has 32 analog signal input passways 32 signals circulates to sample once within 2 seconds . Its measure precision is superior to 0.2 % .

    本文测控系统有32个模拟量输入通道,32路信号 2秒钟内循环采样一次, 测量精度优于0.2%。