without cessation

[wɪðˈaʊt sɛˈseʃən][wiˈðaut seˈseɪʃən]


  • The party wishing to claim relief by reason of any of the said circumstances shall notify the other party in writing without delay on the intervention and on the cessation thereof .

    由于上述任何情况希望获得免除的一方,应 立即书面通知另一方有关履约 干扰和 停止的情况。

  • The bombardment continued without cessation .

    轰炸持续 不断 进行

  • There is only one small un-blinded study without placebos or control subjects that advocates point to as evidence that smokeless tobacco works as a smoking cessation aid .

    只有小部分人支持非盲法研究 没有对照或者控制组,并认为无烟烟草有助于 戒烟