


  • My eyes are wasting away with trouble ; they are becoming old because of all those who are against me . The hand looked chapped and wizened not a boy 's.

    我因忧愁眼睛 干瘪。又因我一切的敌人眼睛昏花。那手看上去粗糙 干瘪,不像是个男孩的手。

  • The clinical observations on hemorrhoid ( 10l0cases ) treated with alum - wizened hemorrhoid solution

    明矾 痔液治疗痔疮1010例临床观察

  • The ancient and wizened tauren sat in front of the fire warming his old bones .

    年迈 干瘪的牛头人坐在火前,温暖着自己的老骨头。

  • Renal interstitium was with edema hyperemia and infiltration of many inflammatory cells ; In group RH the renal glomeruli was not wizened . The renal tubular epithelial cells were lightly swollen . The lumen of renal tubulars were not narrow .

    RH组肾小球基本 正常,肾小管上皮细胞轻度水肿,肾小管管腔未 变窄,肾间质少量炎性细胞浸润。

  • The only food they could find in the house was some stale bread and a few wizened apples .

    他们能在这座房子里找到食物只有一些不新鲜的面包和几个 干瘪的苹果。

  • Darting eyes looking sidelong out of a wizened face .

    一张 消瘦的脸上目光投向侧边的眼睛。

  • He seemed much aged but the look of the old fox who had escaped from so many tight fixes was still imprinted on his wizened face .

    他似乎老多了,不过他的曾经多次侥幸脱险的老狐狸的 ,仍然刻画在他 干瘪的老脸上。

  • That wizened and grotesque little old man is a notorious miser .

    那个 干瘪 难看的小老头是个臭名远扬的吝啬鬼。

  • The hand looked chapped and wizened not a boy 's.

    那手看上去粗糙 干瘪,不像是个男孩的手。

  • The wind was so nipping that the ivy-leaves had become wizened and gray each tapping incessantly upon its neighbour with a disquieting stir of her nerves .

    寒风刺骨, 长春藤的叶子被风吹得枯萎了、枯黄了,不停地互相拍打着,把她的神经刺激得烦躁不安。

  • Mr Solomon was a wizened little man with frizzy gray hair .

    所罗门先生是一个 干瘪 矮小的人,头发鬈曲灰白。

  • She complained of a headache and she looked old and wizened .

    她说她头疼,看上去显得又衰老 干巴

  • Down in the dungeons an old wizened dwarf acts as croupier welcoming everyone with a stream of curses .

    地下房间里,一个老 的矮人是赌场的老板,他欢迎每一个污言秽语的人。

  • Business is no good says Liu a wizened driver from Henan province .

    生意不好,来自河南、身材 干瘦的司机老刘说道。

  • Wizened women sat down on the escalators apparently glad of a few minutes ' rest .

    消瘦的女子 坐在自动扶梯上, 享受几分钟的休息时光。

  • ROC curve was used to e-valuate normal wizened ghosty and annular erythrocytes and the AUC area was 96 . 5 % 77 . 5 % 63 . 3 % and 50 % ;

    皱缩、环形、影形红细胞在肾性和非肾性组均可出现;用ROC曲线评价正常、 皱缩、影形、环形红细胞其AUC面积分别为96.5%,77.5%,63.3%和50%;

  • But my shixiong ( fellow male student ) pointed to a small wizened old gentleman sitting on the ground .

    但我的师兄(董斌其中一个男学生)指着一个坐在地上的 瘦小老人给我看。

  • Fat people may not be chortling all day long but they 're a hell of a lot nicer than the wizened and shriveled .

    胖人可能不会成天穷聊,但他们比 那些 干巴萎缩的人要好出百倍。

  • At the kitchen table sat the wizened old man one eye squeezed theatrically into a squint and the other sky blue and bulging in my direction sizing me up sceptically .

    这个 消瘦的老人坐在餐桌旁,一只眼睛戏剧性半眯着,另一只朝我这个方向鼓起来的天蓝色眼睛,怀疑地打量着我。