without recourse

[wɪðˈaʊt ˈriˌkɔrs][wiˈðaut ˈri:ˌkɔ:s]


  • As long as the debt factoring is without recourse this is not an issue for our company policies .

    只要债权贴现 具有 追索 ,就对本公司的方针政策 没有影响。

  • The philosophic approach that holds that reality is knowable by the use of reason or thinking alone without recourse to observation or experience .

    哲学的做法,认为现实是可知的,由使用的原因,或独自思考, 诉诸观察或经验。

  • She made a complete recovery without recourse to surgery .


  • Payment : Payment is to be made by confirmed irrevocable letter of credit without recourse available by 60 days sight draft upon presentation of shipping documents to the negotiating bank in Nanjing .

    票据上写着:“见票即付”。这是张见票即付的汇票。付款:付款将用保兑不可撤消 追索信用证在南京议付行见单后60天内付款。

  • Availble against beneficiary 's draft without recourse to drawers .

    凭受益人汇票办理,对出票人 追索

  • The bank then buys these Bills of Exchange at a given discount rate without recourse back to the customer .

    银行扣除一定的贴息 追索 向客户买下汇票。

  • Gome has rolling permission to enlarge its share capital by up to 20 per cent without recourse to a shareholder vote .

    国美有权将股本扩大至多20%,而 依赖股东投票。

  • The doctrine that the world can be understood in scientific terms without recourse to spiritual or supernatural explanations .

    世界可以用科学术语解释 依赖 精神或超自然的解释。

  • Where parts fitted together they did so effortlessly and in most cases remained firm without recourse to gluing .

    他们轻而易举的就使各部分很好的接合在一起,而且大部分情况下接合牢固, 无须 胶水

  • We hope a settlement can be reached without recourse to legal action .

    我们希望 依靠法律手段就能达成协议。

  • Irrevocable without recourse LC

    不可撤销 信用证

  • I 'd prefer to buy the house myself without recourse to my parents .

    我更喜欢靠自己的 力量买房子,而 不是求助我的父母。

  • I couldn 't tell which direction without recourse to a map .


  • It is hoped that the dispute will be settled without recourse to litigation .

    人们希望这场争议 用不着 求助 法律诉讼就可平息。

  • He tackled the knotty problem without recourse to any help .

    依靠任何人的帮助 独立处理这一难题。

  • However to the extent possible Yeomans agrees to assign to buyer its rights under the original manufacturers warranty without recourse to yeomans .

    但是,如果有延伸的可能,并且 不会 追索到美国约曼公司,美国约曼公司将同意在部件原始制造商质量保证范围内,分担买方的权利。

  • A study on the pricing and risks of discounting commercial bills without recourse


  • Forfaiting is a new kind of international financial credit service which discount without recourse .

    福费廷是一种新兴的以 追索 为特点的国际融资服务项目。

  • The most important feature of forfaiting is that it allows the exporters get cash back at a discount without recourse .

    与其它融资方式比较,其最大特点在于能够提供 追索 的中长期贸易融资。

  • It enabled its members to settle their differences without recourse to war

    这样,其成员就可以 诉诸战争来解决分歧。

  • So how can an armed force conduct offensive operations without recourse to assault ?

    那么一支武装力量如何 依靠进攻的情况下进行防守?

  • Snoras still seems to have enough money to repay personal customers without recourse to the deposit-insurance fund .

    不过即使没有储蓄保险的赔偿金, 斯诺拉斯貌似还有足够的资金来偿还个人客户。

  • Dispute arised from contract obligation is generally settled without recourse to the court .

    由合同义务引起的争议通常 诉诸法律。

  • Trapped without recourse to any escape these spirits began to reincarnate in human bodies inhabiting the forms of children who should have died stillborn and soulless .

    这些灵魂由于陷入 没有 逃脱方法的困境,它们开始占据那些应该死于难产而没有灵魂的孩童身躯,转世入人类的躯体。

  • Unless otherwise agreed to by seller payment is to be made against sight draft drawn under a confirmed irrevocable divisible and assignable letter of credit without recourse for the full amount established through a first class bank acceptable to the sellers .

    除得到卖方同意者外,买方应通过卖方所能接受的第一流银行开立保兑的、不可撤消的及 追索 、可分割、可转让的全部货款凭即期汇票支付的信用证付款。

  • With minor technical advances it said a drone could soon be able to fire a weapon based solely on its own sensors or shared information and without recourse to higher human authority .

    有迹象表明,随着次要技术上的进步,无人驾驶飞机很快将“通过感应器或共享信息自已决定开火, 求助更高的 指示和人类的授权。”

  • She could explain it without recourse to the jargon of psychoanalysis .


  • Junfeng Zhang and co-authors'report on environmental health would not have been possible without recourse to abundant measures of pollution .
