

v.经受,承受( withstand的过去式和过去分词 )

  • But the concrete perimeter withstood the explosions and Yemeni soldiers engaged the attackers with casualties on both sides .

    不过,水泥院墙 承受 爆炸的袭击,也门士兵还和袭击者交战,双方都有人死亡。

  • But some parents blame shoddy construction linked to corruption for their children 's deaths pointing out that many school buildings collapsed while surrounding structures withstood the shock .

    但是,一些家长指责官员腐败导致的豆腐渣工程导致了孩子的死亡,也指出在许多倒塌的校舍周围, 其他建筑物 完好无损逃过一劫。

  • I cannot help but be inspired and hopeful after hearing about some of the adversity that these ultimately successful people have withstood .

    在听到这些最终取得成功的人所经历的不幸之后,我 忍俊不禁,但得到了启发,获得了希望。

  • Mr Geithner says the banks supervised by the Fed withstood the crisis better than most institutions .

    盖特纳表示,美联储监管下的银行比大多数机构能够更好的 抵挡危机。

  • Our troops withstood the onset of the enemy .

    我们的部队 抵挡 敌人的进攻。

  • Like an iron bastion the dam withstood the rushing floodwaters .

    大坝 好似铜墙铁壁, 顶住 洪水的 冲击

  • He withstood all kinds of outside pressure .

    顶住 外界的种种压力。

  • This is a well-loved picture book that has truly withstood the test of time .

    这是一本接受了时间的考验而且受到广泛喜爱的 绘本

  • China 's economy has withstood rigorous tests in recent years in the complicated and changeable international economic climate .

    近几年,国际经济环境复杂多变,中国经济 历经严峻考验。

  • They have withstood all tests .

    他们通过 一切 考验

  • In past economic slumps luxury-car makers have withstood the downturn better than their mass-market counterparts .

    在以往的经济下滑期间,豪华车 抵御衰退的能力好于面向大众市场的普通汽车。

  • In Misrata which withstood a three-month siege and is the country 's third city similarly sturdy groups have been formed .

    米沙拉塔是利比亚第三大城市, 经受 长达三个月的围攻,那里也形成了和本哈则类似的坚定的政治组织。

  • Over the past year by the international financial crisis the world economy has withstood the last century since the Great Depression of the most serious challenges .

    过去一年,受国际金融危机冲击,世界经济 经受 上世纪大萧条以来最为严峻的挑战。

  • Since entering WTO in2001 services in our country had withstood the test of international competition and further developed .

    加入WTO五年来,我国服务业的发展 经受 国际竞争的考验,并取得了长足的进展。

  • China-ASEAN relations have withstood the test of crises and disasters .

    中国和东盟的关系 经受 风雨灾祸的考验。

  • Some of the biggest deals came from emerging market companies in Eastern Europe and Russia which have withstood the financial shocks fairly well and are now seeking funds for expansion .

    上周一些规模最大的交易来自东欧和俄罗斯的新兴市场企业,它们较好地 经受 金融冲击的 考验,目前正在寻找扩张资金。

  • The city withstood the siege .

    在围困中 起来 胸墙那座城市 抵挡 围困。

  • And their cities Gaza Gath Ashdod Ascalon and Joppa successfully withstood the Hebrew attack .

    他们的城市加沙、迦特、阿什多、阿斯克隆和雅法成功地 抵挡 希伯来人的进攻。

  • Neither the southern provinces nor sicily could have withstood his power .

    南方各省和新丁里都没能 他的强大势力。

  • Capable of being resisted or withstood or frustrated .

    能被抵抗、 抵挡 打败

  • They withstood the siege for three years but yielded when their supplies gave out .

    他们 顽强 抵抗 三年,但由于供应耗尽而屈服。

  • The Lakers withstood it because they stood together .

    湖人还是 过来,因为他们一起站在那里。

  • China has withstood lots of downturns before and not been affected .

    中国 过去 多次 顶住 全球低迷的冲击,并未受到影响。

  • Capable of being resisted or withstood or frustrated . What can avail against the storm ?

    能被抵抗、 抵挡和打败。用什么来抵挡风暴?

  • China-Africa relations have withstood the test of international vicissitudes and maintained the momentum of robust growth .

    中非关系 能够 经受 国际风云变幻的考验,始终保持蓬勃发展的势头, 患难与共、相互支持是基础;

  • We withstood the storm .

    我们 顶住 暴风雨。

  • Nicola bravely withstood their taunts .

    尼古拉勇敢地 经受 他们的嘲弄。

  • And it has withstood the test of two financial crises .

    香港经历 两次金融危机,都 经受 考验