with this

[wɪð ðɪs][wið ðis]


  • I 'll pay off my debt with this check .

    我将 张支票清偿欠债。

  • I really tried with this film but kept pushing the fast-forward button — I found it unwatchable .

    我的确尝试过看 部片子,但不停地按快进键——我觉得不好看。

  • ' What 's with this guy ? ' demanded an American voice in the row in front .


  • That there are problems with this kind of definition is hardly surprising given its level of generality .

    由于其笼统性,不难料想 这种定义会存在问题。

  • She has already expressed her dissatisfaction with this aspect of the policy

    她对政策的 方面已经表达了 不满

  • With this disease the veins in the liver can block up and all sorts of damage follows .


  • I have some sympathy with this point of view

    我比较 同意 这个观点。

  • I dread to think what Hollywood is planning to do with this interesting little story .

    我不敢想好莱坞打算如何 处理 这个有趣的小故事。

  • To hell with this I 'm getting out of here

    这事 见鬼去吧,我可要走了。

  • They have been treated with this drug in clinical trials

    他们已在临床试验中接受过 这种药物的治疗。

  • They were pleased with this painting .

    他们对 幅画很 满意

  • I came up with this dumb idea


  • Local public housing authorities disagree with this reading of the law .

    当地的公共住房管理当局不 同意对该法律的 这种解读。

  • Now with this particular piece of instrumentation you can actually spot individual carbon atoms .

    现在 利用 件特定的仪器,就可以真正观察到单个碳原子了。

  • I don 't know why he bothers me with this kind of rubbish .

    我不明白他为何 这种烂事来烦我。

  • I have known dramatic changes occur in the space of a few minutes with this method .

    我知道 这种方法短短几分钟之内就能够产生急剧的变化。

  • I am getting very bored with this entire business .

    我开始 整件事情感到非常 厌倦

  • I swear on all I hold dear that I had nothing to do with this

    我以身家性命担保,我 件事无关。

  • I think he 's just going to deal with this problem another day

    我想他改天就会 处理 这个问题。

  • With this type of camera the shutter speed is fixed


  • Trust her with this matter .


  • You 'll have to make do with this timber .

    你就 可着 这块木料做吧。

  • Considering that you are no longer involved with this man your response is a little extreme .

    考虑到你已经 这个男人划清了界限,你的反应有一点儿过头。

  • Have you got any cheese I can have with this bread ?

    你有没有奶酪,我好就 面包一起吃?

  • I enclose two tickets along with this letter .


  • Was it him who made you come to us with this cock-and-bull story ?

    是不是他让你来跟我们 这么瞎说八道的?

  • With this he got up and went out .


  • Most people are familiar with this figure from Wagner 's opera .

    多数人都 熟悉瓦格纳歌剧中的 人物。

  • I found their work very much consonant with this way of thinking .

    我发现他们的工作 这种思维方式非常一致。