with reason

[wɪð ˈrizən][wið ˈri:zən]


  • If yes please provide name detailed address and contact details with reason and company seal or authorized signature on separate sheet .

    如果是,请另备纸张写上公司名称、详细地址及联络人资料,并另说明 理由及盖上公章或签名。

  • She complained with reason that she had been underpaid .

    她抱怨她工资一直很低,这也 不无 道理

  • It is congenial with reason and common sense .

    那是 符合 情理和常识的。

  • He complains with reason that he has been punished unfairly .


  • And let it direct your passion with reason that your passion may live through its own daily resurrection and like the phoenix rise above its own ashes .

    也让心灵 理性来引导你们的热情,让它在每日复活中生存,如同大鸾在它自己的灰烬上高翔。

  • Or the order has been parked ( with reason provided in the result passed back to the calling long-running process ) .

    或者,订单已经暂停( 传递回进行调用的长时间运行的流程的结果中提供了 原因)。

  • Despite his seemingly lighthearted tone Song said he performs his job duties with reason and respect and believes nothing is unsolvable with better understanding among all people .

    尽管语气看似漫不经心,但宋志刚说他在执行公务 总是 理性执法,尊重他人,他相信只要人们都能相互加深理解的话,没什么问题是解决不了的。

  • It continues to haunt us to stalk us and as we try to silence it with reason and maturity we find that indeed it is a fire within our bones and it will not yield .

    这种呼唤会一直回荡在我们耳边,缠绕着我们,即使我们试图 理智和成熟去沉默它,我们却发现实事上它是我们内心骨子里的一团火焰,永远不会熄灭。

  • Suspicion of western motives remains but most people in the Arab world are as keen as western governments to see Col Gaddafi checked and with reason .

    对西方动机的疑虑依然存在,但阿拉伯世界的多数人与西方国家政府一样热衷于看到卡扎菲被阻止,这是 很好 理由的。

  • I tried to again coax myself to sleep with reason .

    我再次尝试说服自己 入睡

  • The key problem is that equating probabilism with reason crowds out consequential thinking .

    关键的问题是相等的或然率 理性的群众,出来的往往是必然的想法。

  • Inconsistent with reason or logic or common sense .


  • Well I spoke to him with reason and compassion .

    我对他 晓之以理,动之以情。

  • She was furious and with reason .

    警方 充分 理由相信他有罪。

  • Both sides argued with reason and neither would give in .

    双方都 振振有词地辩论 ,谁也不服谁。

  • We don 't speak out because we are afraid and often with reason .

    我们不坦言相告,是因为我们在担心,并且这种担心往往都 理由

  • I prefer saying with reason to rational .

    相比“理性”,我更喜欢说“ 根据”。

  • The proposal is fair and reasonable . The students ' proposal consists with reason .

    学生们的建议是 合理的。

  • With reason it 's rumored thatyou are mad .

    谣传你是疯子原来是 原因的。

  • The 20-something brain is still developing its frontal lobe which is in charge of overriding emotion with reason .

    大脑中负责 理智控制情感的大脑前额叶在20几岁的时候还处在发育的阶段。

  • Goose bumps came out all over her and fear swamped her a superstitious fear she could not combat with reason .

    她不禁浑身都起鸡皮疙瘩,一阵恐怖感,一种她无法 理智战胜的近似迷信的惊悸,把她彻底镇住了。

  • A plan incongruous with reason ; incongruous behavior ; a joke that was incongruous with polite conversation .


  • Is it not with reason that the people look upon them as large ?


  • A motivation that is inconsistent with reason or logic .


  • ( of emotions opinions etc ) in accordance with reason ; not absurd ; logical

    (指情感、见解等)合 情理的,不荒谬的,合逻辑的

  • Learn to back up your ideas or decisions with reason .

    学着 理性来支持你的想法或决定。

  • His action consists with reason .

    他的行动 合乎 理性

  • Juno suspected with reason that the heifer 's form concealed some fair nymph of mortal mold .

    朱诺怀疑这母牛的形体里隐藏 一个人间美女的身躯,她的猜测确乎 合理

  • The history of human society evolution also tells us that in time of ethic crisis man should access reality with reason .

    人类社会自身的发展也告诉我们,当人类 面对伦理道德的危机时,应该 理性正视现实。