theory of criminal law

[ˈθiəri ʌv ˈkrɪmənəl lɔ][ˈθiəri ɔv ˈkriminəl lɔ:]

[法] 刑法理论

  • The indirect principal is a very important concept adopted by the theory of criminal law in civil law system .

    间接正犯是大陆法系 刑法 理论中的一个重要概念。

  • The theory of anticipated possibility is an important problem in the study of the theory of the criminal law it holds an important position in the theory of criminal law in many countries civil-law and districts .

    期待可能性理论是刑法理论研究中的重要问题,在许多大陆法系国家和地区的 刑法 理论中占有相当重要的地位。

  • Study on the application of strict liability of criminal law not only enrich and develop the theory of criminal law of our country but also has great practical significance to perfect the Socialist legal system and build a harmonious socialist society .

    严格责任在我国刑法的适用研究不仅能从 理论上丰富和发展我国的 刑法 理论,还对完善我国社会主义法制体系、构建社会主义和谐社会具有重大的现实意义。

  • The causality of criminal law is an important research topic in the theory of criminal law system which is reflected in two aspects of the theory of criminal law and judicial practice .

    刑法因果关系是 刑法 理论体系中重要的研究课题,这体现在刑法理论和司法实践两个方面。

  • The theory of social harmfulness is the center of traditional theory of criminal law in our country . And yet scholars criticize the social harmfulness now .

    社会危害性理论是我国传统 刑法 理论的核心,然而在1997年修订的 刑法 明确 规定罪刑 法定 原则以后,我国一些学者开始对社会危害性 理论进行了严厉的批判。

  • Supporter praise supreme people 's court for take brave and important first step on the judicial explanation in Criminal Law and the abundant relevant theory of criminal law ;

    支持者们称赞高 在《刑法》司法解释上迈出了勇敢而又重要的第一步,并且丰富了 刑法相关 理论

  • The criminal harmfulness evaluation is the core content in our traditional theory of criminal law .

    犯罪危害性评价是我国传统 刑法 理论的核心内容。

  • It car resolve the contradiction and conflict that exists in the theory of criminal law and still should be insisted on under the principle of legality .

    它能够合理地解决我 刑法 理论中存在的矛盾与冲突,在罪刑法定原则下,仍应坚持这一 理论

  • Besides the conviction theory of criminal law shall also be regarded as a branch .

    另外, 刑法定罪 理论也应当算作一个分科。

  • The traditional theory of criminal law can not thoroughly interpret these issues .

    这些问题是传统的 刑法 理论所不能透彻阐释的。

  • To study it can help enrich our country 's theory of criminal law and perfect our criminal legislation of corporate crime .

    对其进行研究有助于丰富我国的 刑法 理论,完善我国法人犯罪的刑事立法。

  • Study on the Issue of Implicated Offense in the Theory of Criminal Law in China

    我国 刑法 理论上的牵连犯问题研究

  • Therefore this paper claims in the theory of criminal law should be used to replace modest principles .

    因此,本文主张应在 刑法 理论中用 不得已原则取代谦抑原则。

  • Secondly analyzes the theory of criminal law countries to not as the classification of the crime and points out that will not as pure as not crime into crime and not pure as crime is not scientific and realistic significance .

    其次分析了各国 刑法 理论对不作为犯罪的分类,指出,将不作为犯罪分为纯正不作为犯罪和不纯正不作为犯罪比较科学且具有现实意义。

  • The present criminal law ( 1997 ) makes provisions for it in byelaw 30 and 31 . The establishment of the unit crime in our system of criminal law is the outcome of interaction of the theory of criminal law and the long term practice .

    我国现行1997年刑法在第30条、第31条中对单位犯罪作出了规定。单位犯罪在我国刑法体系中得以确立,是我国 刑事 理论与实践长期互动的产物。

  • There is much difference in defining the act of litigation fraud between china 's theory of criminal law and its judicial practice .

    我国 刑法 理论和司法实践对诉讼欺诈行为的定性分歧较大。

  • Units can become the subject of crime in our country it has the theory of criminal law is a controversial issue .

    单位能否成为犯罪的主体,这在我国的 刑法 理论里一直是一个有争议的问题。

  • From the angle of Criminology this essay makes use of the theory of Criminal Law to prove the necessity and feasibility of criminal of misconduct in Science through survey several instances in the history of science .

    本文从犯罪学的角度,借助 刑法科学理论,通过审视科学史上的一些实例,从 理论上论证了科学不端行为犯罪化的必要性和可行性。

  • Causality in criminal law is a rather important and complex issue both in theory of criminal law and in practice of criminal law .

    无论在 刑法 理论上,还是在 刑法实践上,刑法因果关系都是一个极其重要而又极其复杂的问题。

  • In the theory of Criminal Law the research about the mixed common bribery body is the first embezzlement in bribery problem .

    刑法 理论中,混合主体共同受贿问题是研究贪污贿赂罪必须首先面对的问题。

  • Manipulating some external conditions is also the basic form of the act in the theory of criminal law .

    因此,在 共同 犯罪中, 他人 行为就成为了行为人行为所利用的客观条件之一。

  • Around the legislative problem of the crime of huge unidentified property from the theory of criminal law and criminal procedural law this paper gives a comparatively overall discussion and comment .

    本文围绕巨额财产来源不明罪的立法缺陷问题,从 刑法 和刑事诉讼法学的 理论角度,进行了较全面的探讨和评析,并在此基础上提出了关于立法修改和配套制度完善的具体见解。

  • Based on the theory of criminal law combine with the needs of judicial practice I should in-depth analysis the complex problems arising from the practical application of this crime and put forward my own views and suggestions .

    本文以 刑法 理论为基础,结合司法实践的需求,深入剖析本罪在实务应用中所出现的疑难问题,提出自己的看法与建议。

  • Discuss the 8 existent problems in theory of criminal law on adopting and abandoning of the unclear huge property crime charge and crime of important document accomplice and legal penalty .

    论述了关于巨额财产来源不明罪的存废、罪名、犯罪构成要件、共犯和法定刑等 刑法理论方面存在的八个问题。

  • Offense relating to number is an offense type stipulated by criminal law in our country . Our criminal legislation and theory of criminal law hold that the offense relating to qualitative and quantitative combination which result in this offense type .

    数额犯是我国刑法规定的犯罪类型,是我国刑事立法和 刑法 理论强调犯罪是定性和定量相结合的结果,数额犯本身也可以分为诸多种类;

  • In spite of this this system confirms the value of human and also has some combinations to the modern theory of criminal law . So now these reasonable and progressive aspects are still worth learning for us .

    尽管如此,其中也蕴涵了对人的价值的肯定,与现代 刑法 理论也存在某种程度的契合,其合理与进步的一面即使在现在仍然值得我们肯定和借鉴。

  • The view of present theory of criminal law to aggravate basic is over narrow .

    现行 刑法 理论对加重基础类型的认识过于狭隘。

  • This paper is targeted on the implemented act of insurance fraud combining the theory of criminal law and insurance law 's practice mainly discuss the meaning form and other related problems of five statutory conducts .

    以保险诈骗罪实行行为的内容为研究对象,结合 刑法 理论和保险法的相关内容和实践,重点探讨分析了该罪的五种法定行为方式的含义、表现形式和立法体例的问题。

  • Malfeasance causality theory is rooted in the theory of criminal law causality under the large frame .

    渎职罪因果关系理论是植根于 刑法因果关系 理论的大框架之下的。

  • As an important concept of the theory of criminal law the Result-Aggregated Crime represents a special legal phenomenon .

    作为 刑法 理论中的一个重要概念,结果加重犯代表了一种特殊的法律现象。