thenar space

[ˈθiˌnɑr spes][ˈθi:nɑ: speis]


  • Results The shapes locations and adjacent relations of the midpalmar space thenar space and metacarpal bones were displayed clearly from computerized 3-D model which could be the cross-reference of the cross-sections expediently .

    结果重建的三维图像比较清晰的显示了掌中间隙和 鱼际 间隙与掌骨的立体形态、空间位置和毗邻关系,并能与断面形态相互参照。

  • Conclusion The proximal of the thenar space is close the visualization of the fascial spaces of hand can provide some guidance for imaging diagnosis and surgical treatments .

    结论 鱼际 间隙的近端为 ,掌中 间隙的远端分为 3个小间隙,手掌 筋膜间隙的可视化研究对该区域疾病的影像学诊断和外科手术具有重要意义。