territorial sea

[ˌtɛrɪˈtɔriəl si][ˌterɪˈtɔ:ri:əl si:]


  • At the same time the Convention on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone and the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea have special provisions regarding the innocent passage thus making this right codification .

    与此同时,1958年《 领海与毗连区公约》和1982年《联合国海洋法公约》也对无害通过权作了专门规定,从而将此权利法典化。

  • Problems that should be paid attention to in building the digital territorial sea system are also pointed out .

    指出了“数字 领海 系统建设中应注意的若干问题。

  • The EEZ is a special sea that differs from high seas and territorial sea the sovereign rights of the EEZ of a coastal state is a part of the economic sovereign rights of the state the convention 's stipulations respect state sovereignty .

    专属经济区是一个既不同于公海又有别于 领海的特殊海域,沿海国家对专属经济区的主权权利是国家经济主权的组成部分,公约的规定是尊重国家主权的。

  • The outer limit of the territorial sea of the people 's Republic of China is the line every point of which is at a distance equal to twelve nautical miles from the nearest point of the baseline of the territorial sea .

    中华人民共和国 领海的外部界限为一条其每一点与领海基线的最近点距离等于十二海里的线。

  • The Philippines is also asking the tribunal if certain rocks above water at high tide like Scarborough Shoal generate a 200-nautical mile exclusive economic zone or only a 12-nautical mile territorial sea .

    菲律宾向仲裁庭提出的另一个问题是,像斯卡伯勒浅滩那样在涨潮时只有部分岩石露出水面的地物,是产生一个200海里的专属经济区,还是仅12海里的 领海

  • Neighboring countries in the South China Sea in the South China Sea demarcation issue have made their own delimitation claim through domestic legislation announced that the territorial sea baseline clear exclusive economic zone and continental shelf .

    在南海划界问题上,南海周边各国纷纷提出了各自的划界主张,通过国内立法,宣布 领海基线,明确专属经济区和大陆架范围。

  • On September 10 2012 the Chinese government issued a statement announcing the baselines of the territorial sea of Diaoyu Dao and its affiliated islands .

    2012年9月10日,中国政府发表声明,公布了钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿的 领海基线。

  • The method of straight baselines composed of all the straight lines joining the adjacent base points shall be employed in drawing the baselines of the territorial sea of the People 's Republic of China .

    二次曲面的共轭直线中华人民共和国 领海基线采用直线基线法划定,由各相邻基点之间的直线连线组成。

  • Geneva Convention on the Territorial Sea The territorial waters is the water area administered by a state including inland water and territorial sea .

    日内瓦 领海及毗连区公约领水是一国主权管辖下的全部水域,包括内水和领海。

  • Violating the integrity of a country 's territorial waters means committing aggression to it . The territorial waters is the water area administered by a state including inland water and territorial sea .

    对一国领水的侵犯意味着破坏该国的领土主权。领水是一国主权管辖下的全部水域,包括内水和 领海

  • The authors elaborate the importance and great urgency to build digital territorial sea in our country and introduce the function basic characteristics technical support system and information acquisition management and renewal of the digital territorial sea system .

    阐述了我国“数字 领海 专属经济区)”建设的重要性与迫切性;介绍了“数字领海”系统的功能、基本特征、技术支撑体系、信息采集方法、信息管理方法及信息更新方法;

  • Article 4 The contiguous zone of the People 's Republic of China is the sea belt adjacent to and beyond the territorial sea .

    第四条中华人民共和国毗连区为 领海以外邻接 领海的一带 海域

  • Articles on Navigation through the Territorial Sea and Straits

    关于 领海和海峡通航的条款

  • The dumping of wastes or other matter into the internal sea and the territorial sea onto the continental shelf and into other sea areas under the jurisdiction of the People 's Republic of China ;

    向中华人民共和国的内海、 领海、大陆架和其他管辖海域倾倒废弃物和其他物质;

  • This Convention shall apply exclusively to pollution damage caused on the territory including the territorial sea of a Contracting State and to preventive measures taken to prevent or minimize such damage .

    本公约仅适用于在缔约国领土和 海上发生的污染损害和为防止或最小化这种损害而采取的防护性措施。

  • Marine crisis happened upon the dimensions of space and time we find Marine rights struggle the battleground has territorial sea outward expansion by sea to the exclusive economic zone .

    海洋危机发生的空间和时间的维度上,我们可以发现,海洋权益的斗争,其主战场已经由 领海向外扩展到了专属经济区海域。

  • Its enforcement involves the relation with the authority of the executive branch as well as the extension of the state power to the areas outside the territorial sea .

    该权力的实施既有与有关行政执法部门职权相联系的问题,又涉及国家权力延伸至 领海以外有关区域的 涉外问题。

  • Any foreign vessel sailing in china 's territorial sea must comply with the relevant orders of the government of the people 's Republic of china .

    任何外船舶在 中海航行,必遵守中人民共和政府的有法令。

  • According to the difference of legal status sea can be divided into inter waters territorial sea contiguous zone archipelagic water exclusive economic zone continental shelf high seas international seabed and international straits .

    依据法律地位的不同,海洋可划分为内水、 领海、毗连区、群岛水域、专属经济区、大陆架、公海、国际海底区域、用于国际航行的海峡。

  • The pursuit if not interrupted may be continued outside the territorial sea or the contiguous zone until the ship pursued enters the territorial sea of its own country or of a third State .

    追逐只要没有中断,可以在中华人民共和国 领海或者毗连区外继续进行。在被追逐的船舶进入其本国领海或者第三国领海时,追逐终止。

  • We think the lose of the right of cabotage meant that the territorial sea of China became high sea of the Big Powers and the lose of the right of inland navigation demonstrated that the territorial waters of China was open thoroughly .

    文章认为,前一种权利的丧失表明中国 领海成为了列强的公海,而后一种权利的丧失意味着中国领水的彻底开放。

  • The method of equidistance was developed in the practice of delimitation of the territorial sea between the coastal states and has been applied broadly in international maritime delimitation practice .

    等距离线方法是从一些沿海国的 领海划界实践中发展起来的,已经在国际海域划界中得到广泛应用。

  • On September 13 the Chinese government deposited the coordinates table and chart of the base points and baselines of the territorial sea of Diaoyu Dao and its affiliated islands with the Secretary-General of the United Nations .

    9月13日,中国政府向联合国秘书长交存钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿 领海基点基线的坐标表和海图。

  • In 1958 the Chinese government released a statement on the territorial sea announcing that Taiwan and its adjacent islands belong to China .

    1958年,中国政府发表 领海声明,宣布台湾及其周围各岛属于中国。

  • In 2009 by means of signed the territorial sea baseline bill and declaration sovereignty of Swallow Reef Philippines Malaysia attempted to occupy the island of the South China Sea .

    2009年,菲律宾、马来西亚分别通过签订 领海基线法案、弹丸礁宣誓主权的方式,企图侵占我南海岛礁。

  • A Research for Selecting Baseline Point of the Territorial Sea Based on Technique of the Convex Hull Construction

    基于凸壳构造技术的 领海基点选取问题研究

  • While passing through the territorial sea of the Republic of china foreign submarines and other underwater vessels are required to navigate on the surface and to display their flags .

    外国潜水艇或其它潜水器,于通过中华民国 领海时,须在海面上航行,并展示其船籍旗帜。

  • It is concluded that due to China 's wide territory 90 percent up of acidic pollutants of its anthropogenic emissions had deposited on its own land and territorial sea .

    研究结果证明,由于我国疆域辽阔,排放的大气酸性污染物有90%以上沉降在本国大陆地区和 领海 海域内。