
[ˌtɛrɪˈtɔriəl, -ˈtor-][ˌterəˈtɔ:riəl]



  • The ship will remain outside Chinese territorial waters .

    这艘船将继续呆在中国 领海之外。

  • Its aim is to respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of states .

    它的目的是要尊重各国的主权和 领土完整。

  • A territorial division exercising administrative judicial and political functions in Great Britain and ireland .

    大不列颠和爱尔兰的行使行政,司法和政治功能的 疆土分支。

  • Ethiopia 's large territorial area takes in a population of more than 40 million people .

    埃塞俄比亚广袤的 国土上生活着4多万人口。

  • The Anti-Secession Law was enacted to resolutely safeguard China 's sovereignty and territorial integrity .

    制定反分裂国家法,坚决维护国家主权和 领土完整。

  • Mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity .

    对主权和 领土完整互相尊重的基础上。

  • We must safeguard our state territorial integrity .

    我们必须捍卫我们 领土的完整。

  • It primarily includes : safeguarding state sovereignty unity territorial integrity and security ;

    它主要包括:维护国家主权、统一、 领土完整和安全;

  • Han 's Island rests partly within our territorial waters .

    韩的岛屿有一部分属于我国的 领海

  • Both India and Japan have unsettled territorial disputes with China .

    印度和日本都与中国存在尚未解决的 领土争端。

  • A number of governments banned the ship from their territorial waters .

    许多国家都禁止那艘船进入其 领海

  • The Vatican successfully mediated in a territorial dispute between Argentina and Chile in 1984

    梵蒂冈成功地调解了1984年阿根廷与智利之间的 领土争端。

  • The Philippines Malaysia Brunei and Taiwan have their own territorial and maritime claims .

    菲律宾、马来西亚、文莱和台湾,都有自己的 领土和领海主张。

  • On Thursday he ordered sanctions against individuals found to have violated Ukraine 's territorial integrity .

    周四,他下令制裁侵犯了乌克兰 领土完整的个人。

  • We insist that Georgia 's sovereignty and territorial integrity be respected .

    我们坚持认为格鲁吉亚的主权和 领土完整应该得到尊重。

  • The President spoke of the need for territorial compromise .

    总统谈到了在 领土问题上达成和解的必要性。

  • Problems that should be paid attention to in building the digital territorial sea system are also pointed out .

    指出了“数字 领海”系统建设中应注意的若干问题。

  • It is the only republic which has no territorial disputes with the others

    它是唯一和其他国家没有 领土争端的共和国。

  • This method is applicable to constellation design for space-based radar global and territorial early warning system .

    该方法适用于天基雷达全球和 区域预警系统的星座设计。

  • Two cats or more in one house will also exhibit territorial behaviour

    一所房子里有两只以上的猫时也会出现 划分 地盘的行为。

  • The Sioux had always fought other tribes for territorial rights .

    苏人总是为 地权与其他部落作战。

  • We accept the outcome of the inquiry without prejudice to the unsettled question of territorial waters .

    我们接受了调查结果,并没有使悬而未决的 领海问题进一步恶化。

  • First Mutual respect of sovereignty and territorial integrity mutual non-aggression and mutual non-interference in internal affairs .

    第一,互相尊重主权和 领土完整、互不侵犯、互不干涉内政。

  • The coastguard vigilantly guards our territorial waters .

    海防战士警惕地守卫着祖国的 海疆

  • Both Chile and Argentina feel very strongly about their territorial claims to Antarctica .

    智利和阿根廷对于南极的 领土主张都持强硬态度。

  • The Chinese nation has the strong resolve to uphold state sovereignty and territorial integrity .

    中华民族在维护国家主权和 领土完整问题上有着坚定的决心。

  • Our state sovereignty and territorial integrity should by no means be impinged on .

    我们的国家主权和 领土完整绝不容许侵犯。