


  • The removal efficiency of nitrogen ( N ) and phosphorus ( P ) from three kinds of eutrophicated water by terraneous ornamental foliage plant-beet on floating-beds was researched under low temperature .


  • Wetland is the transition region between terraneous environment and aquatic environment .

    湿地是 介于 陆地和水生环境之间的过渡区域, 巨大 生产 能力和环境功能,湿地与 森林、海洋并 为全球三大生态系统。

  • Different species of freshwater snails and terraneous snails were collected in wild fields for detecting the infection by homogenization and lung dissection methods .

    在野外现场采集不同品种的淡水螺和 螺,用匀浆法和肺检查法解剖 调查广州 线虫感染情况;

  • If there were no unnatural disturbance the succession would go on and terraneous vegetation would take the place of reed community and form climax community .

    如果没有围堤 等人为干扰,植被群落的演替还会继续下去,芦苇群落 之后将是中 植被,接下来中 植被 逐渐会被 植被替代,直至最终形成顶级群落。

  • Because of the growth conditions and environmental characteristics of marine microalgae the structure and function of intracellular polysaccharide in marine microalgae are different from those of terraneous polysaccharide so more and more people are interested in potential application in the field of medicine and medical science .

    海洋微藻的生长条件和环境特点决定了其胞内多糖具有一些有别于 多糖的结构和功能,此类多糖在医药和医学领域中应用潜力越来越引起人们对其的研究兴趣。

  • Moss one taxon of bryophyte is a group of primordial higher plant with tiny body and is the taxon between hydrophytic and terraneous taxa in plant evolvement .

    藓类植物是一类原始的小型高等植物,是苔藓植物中的一个类群,在植物 系统演化中,代表着从水生到 生活 逐渐 过渡的类型。

  • The alternative occurrence of terraneous plant and animal fossils represents a palaeogeographic feature with the mosaic-distribution of lakes marshes and low hills .
