wood shop

[wʊd ʃɑp][wud ʃɔp]

[经] 木工工场

  • It is a stark change for computer science which for decades was treated like a stepchild equated with trade classes like wood shop .

    这是计算机科学教育的一个显著改变,几十年来,计算机科学一直受到冷遇,地位与 木工课等职业技能课程相差无几。

  • This machine is a main machine in plywood production . It is used to peel the round wood into veneer . Machine tools for metal cutting comprise the principal manufacturing equipment in the machine shop .

    本机是生产胶合板的主机设备,用于 圆木旋切成单板。金属切削机床是机械加工 车间的主要生产设备。(动 名词

  • Whenever working in the wood shop remember to avoid loose-fitting clothing as you wouldn 't want any of your attire to become entangled in a saw blade or cutting head .

    不管什么时候,只要是在 木工 工场工作,记住不要穿宽松的衣服,因为你不会想要你的衣服被锯条或刀头绞到。

  • Stay out of the wood shop if you are even remotely under the influence of any intoxicants .

    哪怕你只是稍微沾染了一点点使你兴奋的 东西,也要远离 木工活。

  • The wood shop is not the place to be in a hurry or have an it won 't happen to me attitude .

    木工是一项细活,也不能抱着“这些危险不会发生在我身上”的态度去做 木工 。将这些规则养成习惯,你的 木工 生涯将会更安全,更享受。