


  • Theobromine caffeine and Theophylline are the derivatives of methyl xanthine . Their room temperature phosphorescence spectra were studied by china made filter paper as solid substrate .

    以滤纸为基质,详细讨论了3种黄嘌呤甲基衍生物 可可 、咖啡因、茶碱的固体基质室温磷光光谱特性。

  • Any food or drink containing theobromine is forbidden . Chocolate cocoa coffee and tea contain theobromine which can cause over excitability cardiopathy and death .

    任何含有 可可 的食物或饮料都是被禁止的,巧克力、咖啡和茶都含有可可碱,这些能引起过度兴奋、心脏病和死亡。

  • Human trial research in Korea has shown that theobromine has none of the side effects associated with standard drug treatments for persistent cough .

    一项在韩国进行的试验表明, 相对于传统药物来说, 可可 没有任何 已知的副作用。

  • Study of Application the Charge Transfer-reaction between Theobromine and Chloranilic Acid

    荷移反应测定 可可 的研究及其应用

  • A Discovery of New Tea Resource Cocoa Tea Tree Containing Theobromine from China

    中国发现新的茶叶资源 & 可可

  • The thin layer chromatography of xanthine compounds ⅰ . caffeine theobromine and theophylline

    嘌呤化合物的薄层层析&Ⅰ.咖啡因、 可可 和茶碱的分离

  • Determination of Theobromine and Caffeine in Cocoa Powder and Cacao Shell Tincture by High Performance Liquid Chromatography

    高效液相色谱法测定可可粉和可可壳酊中的 可可 和咖啡因

  • In the high cone voltage analysis three alkaloids take place main fragmentation . The fragmentation of caffeine and theophylline is easier than that of theobromine .

    CONE电压升高后,3个生物碱均发生主要裂解,其中咖啡因和茶碱较 可可 易发生裂解。

  • Chocolate contains caffeine and other stimulants such as theobromine which cause reflux .

    巧克力含有咖啡因和 可可 等其它的刺激物, 容易导致反胃。

  • Study on the Interactions between Theobromine and Bovine Serum Albumin

    可可 与牛血清白蛋白作用 光谱 特性的研究

  • N-hydrocarbylation of Theobromine under Microwave

    微波辐射下 可可 的N-烃基化

  • This peripheral mechanism of action differentiates theobromine from codeine and other centrally acting agents and lessens its lower central nervous system side effects .

    可可 是对外周神经系统起作用,而 不是 其他药物 一样作用在中枢神经,这样可以减轻对于下游中枢神经系统的副作用。

  • Theobromine has been shown to inhibit the inappropriate firing of the vagus nerve which is a key feature of persistent cough .

    迷走神经的异常放电是引起持续咳嗽的关键因素,而 可可 可以抑制这种情况。

  • Objective : Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry was applied to analyse caffeine 、 theobromine and theophylline .

    目的:应用电喷雾质谱法对嘌呤 生物碱咖啡因、 可可 和茶碱进行了质谱研究。

  • Contain caffeine theobromine or theophylline which can cause vomiting and diarrhea and be toxic to the heart and nervous system .

    含有咖啡因, 可可 ,茶碱等,可引起呕吐和腹泻,是有毒的心脏和神经系统。