


  • The effects of external cavity feedback on the threshold gain and emission linewidth are discussed theoretically ;

    理论 分析了外腔的引入对激光器的阈值增益和光谱线宽的影响;

  • The system is theoretically analyzed and a plaster model is reconstructed by this method and satisfactory experiment results are obtained .

    对该系统进行了 理论分析,并以石膏像模型为对象进行了具体实验,得到了较满意的结果。

  • Theoretically this is a good plan .

    理论 这是一个好计划。

  • The reliability of the system is theoretically proved and the features in bear is discussed .

    文中 理论 论证了这种体系的可靠性,分析了其受力特性。

  • The imaging system is analyzed theoretically from OTF resolution contrast and depth of field .

    还从光学传递函数、分辨率、对比度和景深等方面对成像系统进行了深入的 理论分析。

  • Theoretically the coupling of cone lensed polarization maintaining fiber with superluminescent diodes is analyzed .

    对采用锥形光纤微透镜的保偏光纤与超辐射发光二极管的耦合进行了 理论分析。

  • The results were theoretically arid practically important to improve calculation accuracy and expedite calculation speed .

    研究结果对提高计算精度和加快计算速度具有重要的 理论和实际意义。

  • Theoretically women have the same opportunities as men but the reality is very different .

    理论 妇女和男人有同样的机会,但实际上是很不相同的。

  • The stability of a variable speed grinding system is studied theoretically and experimentally .

    对变速磨削系统稳定性进行了 理论和试验 分析

  • A new filter in which both circular and linear birefringence are utilized is proposed and theoretically analyzed .

    利用圆双折射和线双折射材料设计了一种滤色器,并对它的透射特征进行了 理论分析。

  • The elimination of chirp by combining FP spectral window and normal dispersion fiber was theoretically and experimentally studied .

    对采用法布里-珀罗腔和正常色散光纤联合消啁啾进行了 理论和实验上的研究。

  • Emigration was still theoretically a matter of choice .

    理论 ,移民仍是个个人选择的问题。

  • It was proven theoretically and practically that this method was effective to de-noise in seismic data of blasting .

    通过 理论和实践证明了这种方法能够有效地消除爆破地震信号中的噪声。

  • We theoretically analyze and experimentally demonstrate a method of generating equal-amplitude optical comb exploiting multi-frequency phase modulation .

    我们 理论分析并实验验证了一种利用多频相位调制产生等振幅光梳的方法。

  • The limit of its precision is analyzed theoretically via simulation and experimentally .

    经由模拟,和实验式地,它的精密的界限 理论 被分析。

  • The influence of mode mismatch on measurement in continuous-wave cavity ring-down technology was theoretically analyzed and experimentally studied .

    对连续波腔衰荡技术中的模式失配对测量结果的影响进行了 理论分析和实验研究。

  • Many workers have investigated deposition theoretically or experimentally .

    许多人 理论 或通过实验对沉积问题进行了研究。

  • The vision-model 's optimization is verified theoretically as well as its cost 's analyzing .

    对这一构想可实现优化配置自来水进行了 理论证明。对其成本进行了定性分析。

  • Theoretically the price is supposed to be marked on the shelf

    照理 ,价格应该标在货架上。

  • Theoretically we should know the duality of globalization with subjectivism and objectivism .

    理论 我们要认识到全球化具有客观性和主观性二重性。

  • Technique for passive phase locking of fiber lasers by an all-optical feedback loop is studied theoretically and experimentally .

    对基于环形腔光反馈的光纤激光被动锁相技术进行了 理论和实验研究。

  • Fluctuations in the output of laser diodes have been studied experimentally and theoretically .

    已经 理论和实验 研究了激光二极管输出的起伏起象。

  • The authors analyze the frequency characteristic of detecting circuit and prove the stability of the proposed detecting system theoretically .

    文中分析了检测电路的频率特性,且 理论 证明了系统的稳定性。

  • Theoretically he had control over more than $ 400 million in US accounts . But in fact it was the US Treasury and State Department who controlled those accounts

    理论 ,他掌管着美国账户里的4亿美元。然而,事实上,是美国财政部和国务院在掌控那些账户。

  • In this paper firstly the corona pulse current is theoretically researched ;

    首先对电晕脉冲电流进行了 理论研究;

  • The properties of the shear-horizontal ( SH ) surface waves in a piezoelectric acoustic waveguide have been analyzed theoretically .

    理论 分析了压电声波导中水平剪切表面波的特性。

  • The mechanism of backfire in idle condition is theoretically analyzed and the idle control strategy is studied .

    对怠速工况下回火现象的生成机理进行 理论分析,研究了氢燃料发动机怠速控制策略。

  • In this paper we study theoretically infinitesimal element method for calculation of stress birefringence in polarization maintaining fibers .

    本文研究了 计算保偏光纤中应力双折射特性的微元算法,对其计算值进行了 理论 验证

  • The experimental results observed in passively mode-locked Er-doped fiber laser with positive dispersion are analyzed theoretically .

    对观察到的正色散腔被动锁模掺铒光纤激光器的实验现象进行了 理论 分析