


  • And he shall command hell to open its bars of adamant and give up all that is therein .

    他将指挥地狱来开放其酒吧的 迷,并放弃所有这就是。

  • The laptop station has a connection port set and a power supply unit integrally mounted therein .

    膝上电脑台具有一体地安装在 其中的连接端口组和电源单元。

  • I therein do rejoice yea and will rejoice .


  • The policy and procedures regarding government procurement provided for therein were consistent with international practice .


  • They opened the safe and take all the money therein .

    他们打开了保险箱,拿走了 里面所有的钱。

  • All copies must contain this site 's copyright notice and any other notices provided therein .

    这个网站副本必须包含所有的版权和任何其他通知通告 规定

  • Santa Maria di Castellabate is barely mentioned in guidebooks ; therein lies its charm .


  • Do you agree to the user agreement and privacy policy and Terms incorporated therein ?

    你同意在 其中被吸收的使用者协议和隐私政策、和期限吗?

  • The following procedure does not replace the information in the workshop manual and the warnings listed therein .

    下列步骤不能取代《车间手册》中的信息和 警告。

  • No she would have taken it calmly and found pleasures therein .

    不会,她只会 泰然处之,而且还要从中找到乐趣。

  • You must sign the contract and the sections contained therein .

    你必须签署合同及 其中所含的条款。

  • Crickets and grasshoppers are much like a conductor for Earth and all land based kingdoms therein ;

    蟋蟀和蚱蜢,就象地球及 其中一切陆地王国的一个指挥家;

  • With the rapid development of service outsourcing concerns are growing about the protection of business secrets therein .

    随着我国服务外包产业的迅速发展,服务 外包中的商业秘密保护问题越来越受到关注。

  • Therein lays the difference and contrast in treating our current president with proper respect and decorum .

    对待我们的现任总统应有的尊重和 礼节存在着差异和对比。

  • How shall we that are dead to sin live any longer therein ?

    我们在罪上死了的人, 岂可罪中活着呢。

  • She thought all danger was passed and therein she made a mistake .

    她以为一切危险都已过去, 一点上她错了。

  • By burning tree branches pine needles and pine cones many not only warm their houses but improve the smell therein .

    许多人在家里烧树枝、松针和松果,不但给房子取暖,还改善了 屋里的气味。

  • Therein our letters do not well agree .

    那一点上我们的几 信是不一致的。

  • Therein lies the problem and the great joy of this book .

    问题就 这里,它也是这本书给人带来的巨大乐趣之一。

  • And all that is contained therein .


  • Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders .

    版权以及其他所有 权利由作者和其他版权所有者保留。

  • Afternoon groups relate to the specific addictions and problems therein .

    下午的小组谈到具体的上瘾病例以及 其中的问题。

  • Within the heart is a hologram of Earth and all species therein .

    在心灵内是地球和地球上所有 物种的全息影像。

  • Therein lies the present research rub and challenge .


  • The attachment contains a ZIP file with the report output therein as an HTML file .

    附件包含一个 ZIP文件,报告输出是一个HTML文件。

  • Hence the definition of such a right of ownership and therein the legal relation of the people concerned .

    也就产生了这一权利的界定和 划分后的人与人之间的法律关系。

  • 4 whether the four elements and man 's labour therein be not the true source of wealth ?

    4四大要素,包括人类 劳动,是否是财富的真正来源?