theoretical result

[ˌθiəˈrɛtɪkəl rɪˈzʌlt][ˌθiəˈretikəl riˈzʌlt]

[计] 理论结果

  • Finally combine the theoretical result with numerical simulation to reanalyze the anchoring slope stability during Earthquake .

    最后结合 理论分析和数值模拟 结果对地震作用下锚杆支护边坡失稳破坏机理进行了重新认识。

  • Assumed modes method was employed to validate the theoretical result and analyze the approximately critical bifurcation value and the post-buckling equilibria .

    采用假设模态法验证了 理论分析 结果并得到了分岔临界值和近似后屈曲解。

  • Such terrible businesses can only thrive if competition is weak a theoretical result that van Reenen has also shown to be true in practice .

    此类糟糕的企业只有在竞争疲弱的情况下才会兴旺这是范雷南已经证明在现实中同样成立的 理论 结果

  • The static stress and modal properties are analyzed by FEA . Through the analysis result is compared with the theoretical result the analysis for the structure and design of the accelerometer are completed more rational .

    同时,利用有限元分析软件,对模型进行了静态应力分析和模态分析,给出了具体的分析结果,并与 理论 加以比较, 从而使该高gn值加速度计的结构分析和设计更加合理。

  • Based on the obtained theoretical result a new single mode fiber mode field diameter measuring technique by axially moving the aperture is suggested . Practical measurement shows that the result is quite satisfactory .

    根据所得的 理论 结果,文中提出了用轴向移动孔径法测量单模光纤模场直径新方法,并且进行了实际测量,其结果令人满意。

  • Theoretical result shows that even in a very low admixture injection pressure fracturing will occur in surrounding soil .

    理论 分析发现即使在很小的固化剂注入压力作用下,周围土体也会发生劈裂现象。

  • We have derived the analytical expression of this function and have confirmed this theoretical result with an experiment by using photon counting and photon correlation techniques .

    文中推导了这个函数的解析表达式,并采用了光子计算及光子相关技术,从实验上证实了这个 表达式 正确性。

  • The studied results are close to the experimental result and the theoretical result obtained before .

    研究 结果与已有的试验和 理论研究结果相一致。

  • The measured result shows that the transmittance of the thin film at infrared wave band is enhanced in good agreement with the theoretical result .

    结果表明,这种抗反膜在红外波段具有增透作用,与 理论 分析相吻合。

  • Theoretical result is in good agreement with experimental results so it shows the secondary balancer calculation is accurate .

    同时现场测试数据与 理论 计算 结果基本吻合,表明二次平衡理论计算的准确性。

  • Main factors affecting the splicing loss are analyzed and the comparison shows that the theoretical result is in agreement with the experimental one .

    分析了影响熔接损耗的主要因素, 理论分析 结果和实验 结果是一致的。

  • The numerical result is compared with the theoretical result of a conducting sphere in a uniform magnetic field .

    为验证这种方法,计算了一个放在均匀交变磁场中的导体球的磁场和涡流,结果与 理论 相符

  • A cantilever beam was experimentally studied with this method and the result is consistent with theoretical result .

    以悬臂梁为例进行实验研究,实验结果与 理论 计算 结果吻合较好。

  • We also give a theoretical result for the stream function form of the Navier-Stokes equation in unbounded domains .

    第四章,讨论了流函数形式的Navier-Stokes方程在无穷带状区域中的一类 问题。证明了该问题的解是存在唯一的。

  • The theoretical result shows that the larger the compression strength is the smaller the compensation factor should be .

    理论 结果表明有损压缩的强度越大时,应该选择的补偿因子越小。

  • These theoretical result can be used as reference to develop new ice thermal storage unit .

    可供新开发的蓄冰装置起到一个 借鉴 作用

  • In this part the paper introduces macro-background and importance of research on city-space integration and summarizes the city-space integration theoretical result and the practical appreciation based on the former theory .

    这部分简要地介绍了国内外城市空间一体化的宏观背景及论文的研究意义,综述了国内外城市一体化 研究的理论 成果和在此基础上的实践评价。

  • Based on the work the theoretical result was testified through the simulation experiment in which the piezocrystal controlled by the computer was used to simulate the sine vibration .

    在此基础上,提出并采用了用计算机控制驱动压电晶体模拟星上振动,设计模拟实验对 理论 分析 结果进行了验证。

  • This dissertation makes the case study of the construction of tourism public service in Xiamen to test and analyze the theoretical result and conclusion .

    论文最后以厦门市旅游公共服务建设为例对前文的 理论 成果及结论进行验证和应用分析。

  • Numerical experimentation have not only proved the theoretical result but also found out superconvergence of higher order .

    数值实验不仅证实了这些 理论 结果,还发现了具有更高阶收敛率的超收敛性。

  • A filter with passband centered at 830 MHz has been designed . Simulated by HFSS-software which greatly improves the efficiency and accuracy of the design . The simulation result shows good agreement with theoretical result which proves the method is valid .

    给出了一个中心频率为830MHz圆杆交指滤波器的设计过程,利用HFSS软件仿真,提高了设计效率和精度,仿真结果和 理论 结果吻合良好,证明了设计方法的可行性。

  • In this paper the contributions of the above mentioned tow mechanisms are considered simultaneously the attenuation coefficients in sediment is derived and it is found that the theoretical result can be used to explain measured results of attenuation coefficient in all kinds of sediments .

    在本文中,我们同时考虑了上述两种声衰减机制的贡献,导出了沉积物中的声衰减系数, 所得 理论能解释所有沉积物中声衰减系数的测量结果。

  • The theoretical result agrees well with the experiment for nitrobenzene .

    对硝基苯介质的 理论 结果与实验 结果基本符合。

  • The rotor deformation within a mono-tooth rotary compressor caused by force and temperature rise is calculated with FEM and the theoretical result of thermal deformation is verified by an experimental test .

    利用有限元方法对单齿转子压缩机运转过程中转子的力、热变形进行了计算,并对转子的热变形 计算 结果进行了实验验证。

  • The experiment effect and theoretical result is analyzed . The major job was done in this paper : 1 . Research the achievements of wrapped steel and bonding steel .

    并对节点承载力进行 理论分析,对 理论 和实测 进行了比较,具体内容包括:1.整理、总结了前人的包钢和粘钢加固技术研究成果。

  • The theoretical result is illustrated with numerical examples of Gaussian beams passing through a spatial filter .

    以高斯光束通过空间滤波器所作的数值计算为例对 理论 结果进行了说明。

  • The theoretical result is in agreement with the experimental evidences .

    用该法 计算 结果能较好地与实验结果相符合。

  • The effectiveness of micro-bubble drag resistance is quite apparent from the current theoretical result .

    从已有的 理论 研究 来看,微气泡减阻效果比较显著。

  • Finally based on modeling the evolution of Slump-flow between the combination of the law to explore its theoretical result in the reservoir area security early warning and prevention of transport facilities has important reference and reference .

    最后在建模的基础上对崩滑流之间的演变组合规律进行探讨,其 理论 结果对库区交通设施安全预警及防治有着重要的参考和借鉴作用。

  • Plenty of data announces that the theoretical result is consistent with experimental one .

    大量 实验数据表明, 模拟结果与实验 结果相当吻合。