theory formation

[ˈθiəri fɔrˈmeʃən][ˈθiəri fɔ:ˈmeiʃən]

[计] 理论形成

  • A Study on the Characteristics & the Theory Formation of China 's Humane Geography

    我国人文地理学的特征与 理论 构建

  • Deconstruction is a philosophical concept evolved from structuralism and it has exerted a great influence on the theory formation and research paradigm of modem linguistics .

    解构主义,是从结构主义中演化出来的一个哲学概念。作为一种哲学思潮,它对现代语言学 理论 形成以及研究范式产生了深远的影响。

  • Possible ways for the innovative academic ideas or theory formation

    创新性学术观点或 理论 形成的可能途径和方式

  • Schultz put forward human capital theory in 1960 's which is the symbol of human capital theory system formation .

    20世纪60年代,舒尔茨的人力资本理论的提出,可以看作是人力资本 理论系统 形成的标志。

  • The combination of theory and practice to the Chinese characteristic socialism income distribution theory formation development and maturing process are discussed .

    理论与实际相结合,对中国特色社会主义收入分配 理论 形成、发展和成熟的过程进行了论述。

  • Its formation and development has a profound social and historical of Mongolian ancient Chinese literary theory 's formation and development .

    其形成与发展有深厚的社会历史背景。本文研究了蒙古族古代汉文文 形成与发展的社会历史背景。

  • The type of project curved surface has the advantage of outstanding figure character excellent working property and all theory formation .

    这类工程曲面数学特征强,力学工作性质好,其 构成完全 理论

  • This paper introduces the conception preparation and the theory of formation of microemulsion especially referred to the effect of cosurfactant in microemulsion .

    介绍了微乳液的概念、制备、 形成 理论及助表面活性剂在微乳液中的作用。

  • The Game Theory and Formation of Business Ethics

    博弈与商业道德的 形成

  • Some factors influencing curve type are analyzed which provides a reliable theory for formation evaluation .

    分析了曲线形态的影响因素,为正确评价 地层的含油性提供了较可靠的 理论依据。

  • Two human capital theory formation .

    二人力资本 理论 形成

  • It mainly experienced five stages and formed a particular system of thought i.e. the beginning the stage of theory formation the slow development and gaining ground of mathematics the enrichment of theory and the stage of declining and transformation .

    它大致经历了初创、 理论 体系 形成、缓慢发展与数学普及、理论的充实与发展、衰退与转型五个阶段,从而形成了独具特色的思想体系。

  • Text Analysis and Theory Formation

    文本的分析与 理论 建构

  • Specific Investment Expansion of Game Theory and Formation of Network

    专用性投资、 博弈扩张与企业网络 形成

  • Based on the theory of unsteady flow of compressible fluid and the seepage theory of formation fluid the mathematical model of the gas transient flow in the wellbore has been established .

    基于可压缩流体不稳定流动理论及 地层流体渗流 理论,建立了气体钻井过程中井筒瞬态流动的数学模型。

  • This paper argued that responsibility sense can be cultured from the experience through the analysis of theory and formation process of responsibility sense .

    本文分析了责任感的构成 理论 形成过程,认为责任感可以从体验中培养。

  • The recognition to solution theory early and foundation of ionization theory and formation of ion hydration are introduced .

    介绍了对溶液理论的早期认识、电离 学说的创立和离子水化的 形成 过程

  • The enterprise ethics theory formation then is around this century 50 's.

    企业伦理 理论 形成则是在本世纪50年代前后。

  • The Analysis and Research of Chinese Revolution Road Theory Formation From the Epistemological Angle

    中国革命道路 理论 形成问题之认识论解读

  • The analysis shows that the innovative academic ideas or theory formation is a random process of the exploration .

    分析认为,创造性学术观点或 理论 形成是一个随机探索的过程;

  • Ecological security is the foundation of sustainable development and its theory 's formation has the profound background of the times .

    生态安全是可持续发展的基础,生态安全 理论 形成有着深刻的时代背景。

  • On the Search for the Idea Source and Theory Formation of Knowledge-based Economy

    知识经济的思想渊源及其 理论 形式

  • The socialist concept can be divided into values formation ( also called moral and ideal formation ) theory formation and practice formation .

    社会主义含义分为价值观念形态(道德理想形态)、 理论 形态和实践形态。

  • Moreover this article also analyzed and discussed the theory of formation mechanism and carried the useful attempt through the effect of melts liquid - liquid structural transition on solidification behavior and microstructure .

    另外本文还就其 形成机理进行了 理论分析与讨论,就探索合金熔体发生液液结构转变对其凝固行为及组织的影响进行了有益的尝试。

  • To analyse the basic concept and the theory of formation of poverty and proceed from the theory of sustainable development a new theory of poverty formation are put forward as well as the antipoverty problems in the whole country especially in Xi-Hai-Gu area of Ningxia .

    分析了贫困的基本概念和贫困 形成的有关 理论,从可持续发展理论出发,提出了贫困形成的新理论,并分析了我国及宁夏西海固地区的反贫困问题。

  • On the possibility of the theory formation of the West China 's Literature

    论西部文学 理论 生成的可能性

  • The focus of majority new research works lies in the theory of formation modes and penetration of all kinds of targets medium .

    成型装药的研究主要集中在射流的 形成 理论和其对各种靶板介质的侵彻方面。

  • This paper mainly searches for and discusses the idea source and theory formation of knowledge-based economy in economics ? managical science and sociological science perspective .

    本文主要从经济学、管理学、社会学三个学科角度对知识经济的思想渊源及其 理论来源和 形成进行了探寻。

  • Conception Theory formation and development is inseparable from the unity of the Chinese traditional culture Confucianism Taoism and Buddhism .

    意境 理论 形成与发展,离不开中国儒道释合一的传统文化。

  • Many of the founding fathers were scientists who deliberately adapted the method of data gathering hypothesis testing and theory formation to their nation building .

    这些国家的奠基者中,有很多就是科学家,他们有意地把收集数据、论证假设和 理论 构建的方法运用到国家的建设中。