


  • The situation for consumers to stimulate the senses thereby it changed the course of consumer behavior the way .

    情境对消费者进行感官刺激, 从而改变了消费者行为过程的方式。

  • This allows for realizing the benefits of SOA in an incremental and iterative fashion thereby leveraging existing technology investments .

    这允许以一种递增和迭代的方式实现SOA好处, 从而利用现有技术投资。

  • The bioengineered trachea immediately provided the patient with a normally functioning airway thereby saving her life .

    该生物工程气管立即为该患者提供了正常功能的气道, 从而挽救了她的生命。

  • Thereby further affecting the performance of the entire hydraulic system .


  • But this lowers the relative incentives to export thereby reducing the export growth required to restore credit worthiness .

    但是,这就减少了对出口的相对鼓励, 从而降低了恢复资信所需的出口增长。

  • Our bodies can sweat thereby losing heat by evaporation

    我们的身体能出汗, 由此可以蒸发散热。

  • This allows code to lose the calling stack and thereby elevate its security privileges .

    这允许代码失去调用堆栈, 从而提升了它的安全特权。

  • Canonical Expression keeps the external expression of service contracts consistent thereby affecting contract and context-related patterns .

    规范表述保证了服务契约外部描述的一致性, 因此影响了契约和上下文相关的模式。

  • He gave his life and thereby paid the ultimate price .

    他牺牲了生命, 从而付出了最大的代价。

  • They can also extract documentation from the model thereby providing a different aspect of communication .

    他们还能从模型中获得文档, 因此提供了交流的不同方面。

  • Increased reuse consistency and efficiency lead to decreased time to market thereby improving your organization 's competitiveness .

    增加复用、一致性,和效率导致投入市场的时间减少了, 因此提高了您组织的竞争力。

  • Their status and area of work is thereby regularized .

    他们的地位和工作范围 由此而得到承认。

  • This month I have added support for multiple style sheets thereby addressing the most common suggestion from readers .

    这个月,我已经添加了多个样式表支持, 因此 可以解决读者发来的最常见建议。

  • Thereby improves students'ability of solving problems and raises their overall qualities in practice .


  • It calms the nervous system soothes the mind and thereby relieves stress and tension .

    镇静神经系统,舒缓心灵和, 从而,缓解压力和紧张。

  • I gave him my advice ; I hope he may profit thereby .

    我已给他劝告了,希望他可以 由此受益。

  • I have saved them from the guilt of murdering their own flesh and blood thereby ;

    我挨了打,可到底把他们从杀害他们自己 骨肉的犯罪中拯救出来了;

  • There are certain lottery tickets I can buy thereby increasing my odds of finding contentment .

    有些彩票我能买, 因此增加了找到满足的几率。

  • The party thereby lays itself open to charges of conflict of interest

    该党 因此难免被人指责有利益冲突。

  • He became a British citizen thereby gaining the right to vote .

    他成了英国公民, 藉此得到了投票权。

  • Animal products add flavor and variety to diet and thereby contribute to psychological well-being .

    畜禽产品丰富了食物的风味和品种,对于心理健康 起一定的作用。

  • A firm might sometimes sell at a loss to drive a competitor out of business and thereby increase its market power .

    公司有时会通过亏本出售来将对手挤垮, 从而提高其市场地位。

  • By using data-centric security you separate security from the application logic thereby making security more manageable .

    通过使用以数据为中心的安全性,就可以从应用程序逻辑中分离出安全性, 从而使安全性变得更加易于管理。

  • Thereby search can be limited to specific XML elements or XML attributes in the document structure .


  • The article uses an additional control to encapsulate common JavaScript functions and thereby minimizing data and overhead .

    本文还使用了额外的控件来封装通用JavaScript函数, 从而最小化数据和开销。