theoretical water power

[ˌθiəˈrɛtɪkəl ˈwɔtɚ ˈpaʊɚ][ˌθiəˈretikəl ˈwɔ:tə ˈpauə]


  • Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Modelling the Pollution Diffusion in Rivers of Cooling Water From Thermal Power Plants

    火电厂冷却 在江河中热污染扩散的模拟试验 理论和实践问题

  • The Yellow river and the Yangtze river possess abundant water power resources respectively reaching 6 % and 39.6 % of total theoretical water power in China .

    黄河和长江蕴藏着丰富的水力资源,其 理论 出力分别占全国 总量的6%和39.6%。

  • In this paper the approximate algorithm for the no-load discharge of generating unit is suggested to calculate water loss of hydropower plant whereby providing the theoretical basis for improving water energy use efficiency power grid safe operation and economic returns .

    采用机组空载流量的近似算法对水电站空耗水量进行了计算,为提高 水能利用率及其 电网的安全运行和经济效益提供了 理论依据。

  • Theoretical Bases of Raising Internal and External Boiler Water Treatment Standard and Water and Steam Quality Demand With Parameters and Capacities Increasement in Thermal Power Plant

    火电厂随参数容量增加炉内外 处理水平和水汽质量要求提高的 理论依据

  • Third based on the theoretical analysis and physical background of reservoir scheduling the objective function and constraints are determined then the nonlinear best water level model and the nonlinear largest power generating efficiency model are solved .

    再次,结合 理论分析和水库调度的物理背景,确定目标函数和约束条件,求解非线性的最佳 水位模型和最大 发电效益模型。

  • From aspects of theoretical calculation and experimental research distributed data collection monitoring technology is adopted to realize online monitoring and alarming for water circulation reliability of utility boiler . Practice in power plants proves the monitoring and alarming system workable .

    采用 理论计算和实验研究两个方面,利用分布式数据采集监测技术实现对电站锅炉 循环可靠性的在线监测和报警,经 电厂实践证明此监测和报警系统是切实可行的。

  • The article applied the method of hydraulic calculation carried out the theoretical inquiry on water pump power and pipe network in the corollary equipment of well and pump and put forward its plan to direct the production .

    本文运用水利计算的办法,对井泵配套中的 水泵动力和管网进行了 理论探讨,提出了农用水井配套的方案,以利进一步指导生产。