theoretical plate

[ˌθiəˈrɛtɪkəl plet][ˌθiəˈretikəl pleit]


  • The surface of corrugated wire gauze packing was treated with different methods respectively and the pressure drop Δ P / Z and the height equivalent to a theoretical plate HETP of packing were determined before and after they had been treated with ethanol water system .

    对金属丝网波纹填料采用不同的方法进行表面处理,并以乙醇水为物系,对处理前后填料层的压降△P/Z及等 高度 HETP进行了测定。

  • A New Method for Calculating the Number of Theoretical Plate in a Distillation Column

    计算精馏 理论 数的又一方法

  • The spherical particle sizes of the polymer are 5 ± 2 urn . Some column parameters such as the permeability theoretical plate height and selectivity were determined and compared with the data of similar packings in the literature .

    该球形聚合物的料径为5±2μm,测定了渗透性、 理论 高度和选择性等柱参数,并与文献中类似填料的数据作比较。

  • Results : The theoretical plate numbers of calycosin-7-O - β - D-glucoside and formononetin were 50 134 and 25 258 respectively .

    结果:毛蕊异黄酮苷和芒柄花素色谱峰的 理论数分别为50134和25258。

  • The calculation results indicate that the improved opposite triangle matrix technique is applicable to the simulation calculation of crude methanol fractionator . The calculated theoretical plate temperature and component concentration distribution etc are consistent with operation values .

    计算结果表明:改进的三对角矩阵法可用于粗甲醇精馏塔的模拟,计算所得的 理论 温度,组分浓度分布等与生产测定值吻合。并在应用中不断的改进、完善。

  • System suitability test : Under the above conditions resolution and theoretical plate number the peak of xanthotoxin was calculated .

    系统适用性试验:在确定的色谱条件下,考察花椒毒素色谱峰的分离度和 理论 数。

  • Performances of different packing materials were compared through the product of the slope of HETP ( height equivalent to a theoretical plate ) curve and pressure curve .

    该文利用 高曲线和压力变化曲线 斜率积对填料性能进行了比较。

  • This paper introduces a calculating method for the rectification column 's theoretical plate number by using Excel which is easy-to-use without programming .

    介绍了用Excel对精馏塔 理论 数的计算方法,不需要编程就可方便地得到计算结果。

  • By analyzing the relationship between the gas component and its explosion limit at each theoretical plate in the low-temperature distillation tower it presents the distillation tower structure with a low-temperature distillation stripping section and a reboiler and without a rectifying section and a condenser .

    分析了低温精馏塔内部不同 理论上气相组分变化与爆炸极限的关系,提出了低温精馏塔采用只有提馏段和再沸器,没有精馏段和冷凝器的结构。

  • Influence of vacuum on theoretical plate number in cyclohexanone column

    环己酮蒸馏塔真空度对 理论 数的影响

  • Effects of adsorption on retention value height equivalent to a theoretical plate and peak asymmetry are discussed .

    此外,还进一步讨论了吸附作用对溶质保留值, 理论 高度和峰拖尾程度的影响。

  • Discussion and a new short-cut method of the algorithm of theoretical plate number of distillation towers

    精馏塔 理论数计算方法的评述及其新的简捷算法&图算法

  • Study of a Novel Theoretical Plate for Well-Testing with Changing Wellbore Storage and Its Application

    新型变井储试井 理论 图版研究及其应用

  • Theoretical plate number calibration of furfural extraction column using counter-current extraction test

    用假逆流萃取法对糠醛精制萃取塔 理论 数的标定

  • Graphic solution to rectification column theoretical plate numbers by using excel

    用Excel图解法求精馏塔 理论

  • This maximum degree of enrichment for any one distillation step is said to represent one theoretical plate .

    对于任意一个蒸馏步骤,就称此最大浓度相当于一个 理论

  • Based on the stage difference equation proposed the mathematical models and theoretical plate number for simple distillation column and distillation column with sidestream were set up and calculated respectively .

    利用新提出的 差分方程(Stagedifferenceequation,SDE),分别对简单精馏塔和有侧线出料的精馏塔进行了SDE数学模型的建立和 理论 数的设计计算。

  • A Study on Variable Factors of Effective Theoretical Plate Number and Column Efficiency in High Performance Liquid Chromatography

    高效液相色谱中有效 理论 数的变量因素和柱效率的研究

  • Authors describe the relationship of the production versus the time by gamma distribution and develops the theoretical plate of typical curves which can be applied to determine the degree of the heterogeneity of oil and gas reservoirs using matching solution technique .

    利用伽马分布描述油气藏产量随时间的变化,研制了典型曲线的 理论 图版,通过拟会求解,可判断油气藏的非均质程度。

  • The theoretical plate numbers of such column was about 2300 at 0.5ml/min of flow rate of mobile phase .

    在流速为0.5ml/min时, 理论数约为2300。

  • It also discussed emphatically effect of feed stage number of theoretical plate reflux ratio and solvent-feed ratio on purity and yield of product .

    本文重点研究了进料位置, 理论 数,回流比以及剂料比对产品的收率及纯度的影响。

  • When this new technique was applied the theoretical plate number of the extractive distillation tower can be reduced to less than 20.The technique has been granted a patent of China ( CN1120828C ) and has been applied in 1000 t / a device .

    采用此工艺的萃取精馏塔 理论数可降低至20块以下。该工艺已获中国发明专利(CN1120828C),并已在千吨级生产装置上实际应用。

  • Scale-up effect of fixed adsorption column height equivalent to a theoretical plate

    固定床吸附柱放大效应考察& 理论 当量高度分析

  • This paper introduce an Excel-based graphic solution to the theoretical plate numbers of a rectification column and a VBA program .

    介绍了用Excel图解法求精馏塔 理论 数,并给出了VBA程序。

  • The theoretical plate number is6143.The content of senegenin in Radix Polygalae from six districts of Shanxi province was measured with the above method .

    理论 数为6143。测定了我国远志主产区山西6个产地的远志中远志皂苷元的含量。

  • System suitability test : Under above conditions the peak of xanthotoxin was separated well with the resolution of more than 1.5 and about 8.0 × 103 of theoretical plate .

    系统适用性试验:花椒毒素色谱峰的 理论 数约为8.0×103,与其他色谱峰的分离度大于1.5。

  • Study of Theoretical Plate Length on the Inclined Plate Separator

    斜板沉降器的 理论 长的研究

  • Results : The theoretical plate number of the dimethyl biguanide hydrochloride is over 2 000 the resolution from its impurities is higher than 1.5 . Conclusion : This method is advanced and accurate and can be used properly to test the related substances of the product .

    结果:盐酸二甲双胍的 理论 数大于2000,盐酸二甲双胍与其杂质的分离度不低于1.5。结论:本方法专属性强,准确,精密,灵敏,适用于该产品的有关物质检查。

  • Using Iterative Loop and If Function to Calculate Rectification Column Theoretical Plate Numbers

    用迭代循环和条件函数求解精馏塔 理论