thank God


  • I thank God that I have found a man like you .


  • Thank God I succeeded at last .

    谢谢 上帝,我成功了。

  • I thank God for you every day because I know you 're heaven sent you are my angel .

    我为你而每天都 感激 上天,因为我知道你是上天赐予我的礼物,你是我的天使。

  • Serena in Queens : Thank god you called .


  • We all know this and can thank God for our High Priest Jesus Christ .

    而且,更 感谢 为我们预备了耶稣基督作我们的大祭司。

  • As bad as my worst but thank God I as good as the best .

    我和最坏一样坏,但 感谢 上帝,我和最好的一样好。

  • Thank God You are a man !

    感谢 上帝,你是个男人!

  • I am having a blessed day and thank god for it .

    我有一个神圣的日子, 感谢 上帝

  • None of Olive 's relatives looked likely to pop off for the time being thank God .

    感谢 上帝,奥利芙所有的亲戚看上去暂时都没有翘辫子之虞。

  • Thank God my son 's alive !


  • I thank God I have you my children in this special day I bless you .

    感谢 上帝 我拥有你,我的孩子在这个特殊的日子里我祝福你。

  • Thank God he spoketo you .


  • Every time I feel this I thank God .

    每当我意识到这一点的时候,我都 感谢 上帝

  • I know that I am a lucky woman . I thank God for bring him to me !

    我知道自己真是一个幸运的女人,为此,我 感谢 上帝把他带给我!

  • Thank God ! I came to find you !


  • Thank God ! I am finished writing that service guide ! It took me forever !

    感谢 上帝!我终于写完了这服务指南!我花了很长的时间。

  • We have lost everything but thank God our lives have been spared

    我们已经失去了一切,不过 谢天谢地,总算是保住了性命。

  • Thank God that is all over !

    感谢 上帝,这下再听不到了。

  • Thank God you 're safe !

    你安然无事, 谢天谢地

  • I thank God for you .

    感谢 上帝有你。

  • Thank God they 're not on my manor any more .


  • I thank God for everything he has given me because life has been very good to me .

    感谢 上帝给我的一切,因为生活对我很好。

  • I thank God that you are a Gunner .

    感谢 上帝,你是一个炮手。

  • Thank God I found you !

    感谢 老天 我遇到了你!

  • Thank God . How much do you want ?

    那就 谢天谢地了,你想要多少呢?

  • Eleanor : Oh thank god you 're awake .


  • I 'm not a grandparent thank god .

    我不是祖父, 谢天谢地

  • I was wrong thank God

    原来我错了, 感谢 上帝

  • Thank god I made it .

    感谢 上帝,我办到了。

  • Thank God your mama left me you .

    感谢 上帝你妈妈给我留下了你。