It led to the idea of an axis of evil connecting Saddam Hussein 's Iraq to theocratic Iran and Kim Jong-il 's North Korea .
它导致了邪恶轴心概念的产生,将萨达姆•侯赛因(SaddamHussein)的伊拉克, 神权 统治的伊朗以及金正日(KimJong-il)的朝鲜联系起来。
Throughout Chinese history there was never a theocratic national regime and all Chinese religions were accustomed to putting the country 's interest first .
中国历史上从未出现过全国性的 政教合一政权,中国宗教习惯以社稷为上;
The priest group in theocratic system monopolized national culture for a long time making the development of civilization difficult to continue .
In the hands of the theocratic wizard became a central figure in the social superstructure jade was used as a tool to communicate with God jade culture transition to the jade artifact stage .
在手中 握有 神权的巫师成为了社会上层结构中的核心人物后,玉器被用来作为 巫觋与神交流的工具,玉文化过渡到了玉神器阶段。
The man who denounced the religious right as agents of intolerance now embraces theocratic culture warriors .
他曾经谴责鼓吹宗教权利者为“不宽容的代表”,现在 伸手拥抱 神权斗士。
Iran implement theocratic political system and theocracy above all else .
伊朗实行的是 政教合一、神权高于一切的政治体制。
It is a movement that threatens the choice of the people and threatens to install a theocratic state .
这是场威胁到人民选择权的运动,是场有可能建立 神权 政体的运动。
During Xia and Shang period the theocratic thinking dominated .
夏商时期, 神权 法思想占统治地位。
Theocratic and change of the status of a monarchy is closely linked with the development of social productivity .
It used the spirit of science against religious ignorance the humanistic spirit against religious theocratic oppression .
它是以科学精神反对宗教愚昧,以人文精神反对宗教 神权压迫。
This paper discusses how women of different social classes during the Renaissance began to think about their own social status realized their own value objected to the oppression of theocratic and husband authority openly participated in social affairs plus a series of changes in thoughts .
本文讨论了文艺复兴时期各阶层妇女如何开始思考自身处境地位,发掘女性自身价值,公开反对 神权、 男权压迫,参与社会事务以及她们在此过程中的一系列思想变化。
He kept the negation attitude to theocratic architectural language and the admiration one to people 's architectural art language .
对人民建筑艺术语言 大加赞赏, 揭示了建筑与语言的 深层 关系。
This paper discusses the Byzantine mosaic art form of the historical background the theocratic color emotion a unique picture composition material texture effect in several aspects to demonstrate its unique visual art characteristics .
本文通过论述拜占庭镶嵌画艺术形成的历史背景、 政教合一的色彩情感性、独特的画面构成、材质的肌理效果这几个方面来论证其独特的视觉艺术特征。
However the movement has tried to reassure sceptics by describing the new party as a civil not a theocratic one .
然而,该运动试图安抚怀疑者,称他们新 成立的政党是民权 性质的,而不是 神权 性质的。
In this constitution the validity of the kingship gave the political authority of its rule and the theocratic thought of the Christian theory provided theoretical base for feudal kingship which embodied in the coronation held by the church .
在这个政体中,王权的合法性决定了其具有政治统治权威。基督教君权神授的 神权 政治思想为封建王权的合法性提供了理论基础,由教会举行的加冕礼使王权的合法性具体化。
In this paper the Shang and Zhou dynasties believed in the object placed in the dynamic system to compare the study to show this period the Shang and Zhou theocratic beliefs and continuation of the dramatic changes .
本文通过将商周两代所信奉的对象置于动态系统中加以比较考察,呈现出商周这一历史阶段 神权信仰的赓续性与剧变性。
They fear a theocratic regime that embraces the Shia tradition of martyrdom may not be deterred by a nuclear balance of terror .
他们害怕一个崇尚什叶派牺牲精神的 神权政体是不会受到核武器的制约的。