thermal storage

[ˈθɚməl ˈstɔrɪdʒ][ˈθə:məl ˈstɔ:ridʒ]


  • Application and Its Economic Analysis of Chilled-water Thermal Storage System in a Reforming of Air-conditioning System


  • Some systems use thermal storage during cloudy periods or at night .

    一些系统在多云的期数期间或在晚上使用 储藏

  • Application of Optimization Control Method Based on Nonlinear Programing in Ice Thermal Storage System

    非线性规划优化控制在冰 系统中的应用

  • Experimental Study on Ice-making Process in Floating Sheet Ice Thermal Storage Equipment

    上浮式动态 冷装置制冰过程的实验研究

  • Dynamic ice thermal storage based on super-cooled water is the most advanced ice thermal storage technology at present .

    过冷水式动态冰 冷是当前国际上最先进的一代冰蓄冷空调技术。

  • Presents the method in thermal storage retrofitting using an existing fire tank for a large supermarket air conditioning system .

    介绍了某大型超市空调系统利用消防水池进行 的改造方法,指出两种冷源应采用板式换热器间接连接;

  • Life Cycle Cost Analysis of Cooling and Heating Source Scheme for DHC System Ice Thermal Storage Technology in DHC

    区域供冷供热冷热源方案的寿命周期成本分析冰 冷空调技术在区域供冷系统中的应用

  • The thermal storage performances of several kinds of paraffin mixtures and polyalcohols binary systems were studied experimentally by differential scanning calorimeter .

    利用差示扫描量热仪实验研究了几种不同石蜡以及它们的混合物和多元醇二元体系的 性能。

  • A preliminary theoretical model of heat and moisture transfer during high-temperature thermal storage in soils was presented and calculated numerically .

    初步建立了土壤 高温 热热湿迁移过程的数学模型,并进行了数值求解。

  • Experimental study on temperature increasing in solar greenhouse with underground pebble bed thermal storage

    带地下卵石床 蓄热 装置的日光温室增温实验研究

  • Study on Mixed Cold-storage Delivery Technology with Cold Roll Box ; OPERATION OF DYNAMIC ICE THERMAL STORAGE SYSTEM WITHOUT PRE-HEATING

    采用蓄冷恒温箱实现混装的冷藏配送技术研究过冷水式动态冰 冷系统的无预热运行

  • This paper reviews the progress of study and applications of thermal storage materials at home and broad and describes their classifications and performance .

    综述了目前国内外 材料的研究现状,介绍了 材料的分类、性能及其应用。

  • The Study and Development of Automatic Control System in Chilled Water Thermal Storage Air Conditioning

    空调水 冷自动控制系统的研究与开发

  • With the lowest thermal storage which is quicker to heat and cool and permit rapid cycle work .

    以最低的 ,这是更快地热和冷却,并允许快速循环工作。

  • Nucleation characteristics of nano-additives in binary ice thermal storage system

    二元冰 系统中的纳米添加剂成核特性研究

  • Research on Corrosion Behavior and Mechanism of Aluminum-based Phase Change Thermal Storage Materials

    铝基相变 材料的界面腐蚀行为及腐蚀机理研究

  • A heat sink of phase of change thermal storage / radiation for extravehicular activity

    一种用于出舱活动的相变 /辐射器式热沉

  • The north wall is a significant thermal storage structure in Chinese Solar Greenhouse which could adjust indoor temperature .

    日光温室昼夜温差大,北墙作为主要 蓄热体对温室夜间温度调节具有重要影响。

  • Construction of Thermodynamic Testing Experiment System Based on an Ice Thermal Storage Experimental Platform


  • High temperature thermal storage is one of the key points for developping thermosolar plants .

    高温 蓄热技术是发展太阳能发电的关键技术之一。

  • Operation of dynamic ice thermal storage system without pre-heating

    过冷水式动态冰 系统的无预热运行

  • These theoretical result can be used as reference to develop new ice thermal storage unit .

    可供新开发的 冰装置起到一个借鉴作用。

  • Discussion of new large thermal storage type air source heat pump water heater unit

    新型大型 式空气源热泵热水机组的探讨

  • The properties research of high-temperature thermal storage concrete

    太阳能发电用高温混凝土 材料的制备及性能研究

  • Comprehensive analysis showed that the composite had good application reference value in thermal storage and thermal insulation .

    综合分析表明,该复合 相变 材料在 热、保温方面具有较好的应用参考价值。

  • Pressurized high temperature thermal storage system of electric boiler and its engineering application

    电热锅炉承压高温 蓄热系统及其工程应用

  • Heat Transfer Enhancement of Phase Change Thermal Storage and Experimental Research on Characteristics of Phase Change Heat Exchanger

    热定形性,热变定性相变 蓄热换热强化及蓄热器性能实验相变 热预热式热泵热水器节能特性分析

  • Preliminary study of heat and moisture transfer during high-temperature thermal storage of soils

    土壤 高温 热热湿迁移过程的初步研究

  • Experimental methods focus on measurement and analysis of thermally driven and wind-driven airflows lighting intensity and glare and heat flow and thermal storage .

    实验方法的重点包括下列数据的量测与分析:由热或风所引起的气流、照明强度和眩光、热流和 储存

  • The preparation and the experimental research on the thermal storage performance of paraffin mixtures used in the wall

    墙体 用石蜡混合物的配制和 性能实验研究