thermal strain

[ˈθɚməl stren][ˈθə:məl strein]


  • The thermal analysis of microwave tube includes the thermal strain and heat dissipation .

    微波管的热分析主要涉及 形变和散热问题。

  • It is shown that the unmatched thermal strain results in compressional stresses in the fibers tensile stresses in the matrix and compressional normal stresses on interfaces .

    研究表明, 应变的不匹配导致纤维受压,基体受拉,界面法向受压。

  • In order to reduce the thermal strain improve the reliability and electrical performance of the Microelectronics It is important and necessary to test the thermal deformation and the residual stress of the assemble circuit .

    为降低器件封装的 ,改善和提高产品的电热性能及可靠性,对集成电路封装的热变形及残余应力进行分析测试是十分重要的和必不可少的。

  • Influence of residual thermal strain on tension and compression behaviors of metal matrix composites

    残余 应变对金属基复合材料拉、压性能的影响

  • In this paper based on the platform of ANSYS software the method of multi-field coupling is used to analyze the thermodynamic characteristics of the valve . From the simulation results the temperature distribution thermal strain and thermal stress inside the valve body are obtained .

    本文采用热流固多场耦合的方法,基于ANSYS有限元软件,进行高温阀热力学特性的仿真分析,得到了高温阀稳定工作时,阀体内部的温度场、 应变 及热应力场分布规律。

  • Measurement of the high temperature thermal strain and its application to castable refractory

    高温 应变测试技术及其在耐火浇注料上的应用

  • In the mechanical model three solidification effects-deformation in weld pool change of initial temperature for thermal strain calculation and solidification shrinkage & are treated by means of a dynamic element rebirth technique .

    利用动态单元再生技术,解决了焊接凝固过程的三个因素-焊接熔池的 变形、初始 温度的变化和凝固收缩的影响。

  • Experimental Research on the Transient Thermal Strain of High Strength Concrete at Elevated Temperature

    高温时高强混凝土瞬态 应变的试验研究

  • Strain difference between constraint and free RC members will occur when concrete members experience a cycle of heating or cooling . The difference is called Load Induced Thermal Strain ( LITS ) .

    受约束的和自由的钢筋混凝土构件在经历升温和降温的变化后其构件的应变变化是不同的,这种变化称为荷载引起的 温度 应变(LITS)。

  • Meanwhile due to the mismatch of CTE ( coefficient of thermal expansion ) high temperature gradient would cause thermal strain and stress leading to crack and delamination .

    同时,由于封装材料热膨胀系数的差异,过高的温度梯度会产生 应力 应变,导致断裂及分层。

  • Welding residual stress is determined by welding temperature field directly through thermal strain and indirectly through changes of metal phase and microscopic structure . So analysis of welding temperature field is the prerequisite of research on welding stress and strain .

    焊接温度场不仅直接通过 应变,而且还间接通过随金属状态和显微组织变化引起的相变、 应变决定焊接残余应力,因而对焊接温度场的研究是焊接应力应变分析的前提。

  • The thermal strain at and thermal damage to the notch of the arch concrete specimen are tested by the electrometrical method and supersonic method and the thermal damage to the specimen structure under thermal loads is described .

    利用电测及超声波测试技术测试了混凝土拱型试件制品前缘处 应变及热损伤,给出该结构在温度荷载作用下的热损伤试验结果。

  • The thermal stress concentration and the thermal strain distribution is simulated and calculated by the temperature nodes calculation result and the element types change .

    借助于温度节点计算结果,并转换单元类型,仿真计算了放电区域的热应力集中, 变形分布大小。

  • The main reason that causes pier concrete thermal cracks to occur is that thermal stress exceeds the resist-resisting intension of the concrete or the thermal strain of the concrete exceeds the ultimate pulling and stretching value .

    闸墩混凝土温度裂缝产生的主要原因是温度应力超过了混凝土的抗拉强度或混凝土的 温度 应变超过了混凝土的极限拉伸值。

  • Therefore the temperature stress can be calculated by considering the influence : ( 1 ) the constraint stiffness produced by columns ; ( 2 ) the reduced stiffness produced by the transient thermal strain of concrete .

    该方法将受 高温梁简化成 温度 均匀的刚度等效截面,通过考虑柱提供的 变形约束刚度和混凝土 高温瞬态 应变导致的刚度降低的双重影响,来计算其 升温时的温度内力。

  • Effect of Thermal Strain on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Welding Heat-Affected Zone of 2090 Al-Li Alloy


  • The other FBG is encapsulated in the temperature sensitive materials ( metal Aluminium ) and only responses temperature the thermal strain makes the wavelength of FBG shift . Thus the theoretic mathematics model of measurement is deduced .

    把另一处FBG封装在温敏材料(如铝材料)中,只感受温度的响应,通过 应变对FBG作用,波长发生漂移,从而推导出测量的理论数学模型。

  • The total element strain rate formulations of elastic region and plastic region are given the methods of computing initial strains such as thermal strain strain due to phase transformation and phase-transformation plasticity are presented .

    根据淬火过程热物性参数及组织转变的特点,给出了处于弹性区和塑性区的单元应变增量表达式,及 应变、相变应变、相变塑性等初应变的计算方法。

  • Many dislocations intragranular particles and some thermal strain streaks were found inside the microstructure of the 3 investigated composites which improve the mechanical properties of the materials .

    3种材料微观结构中均发现了大量的位错、内晶型纳米粒子,和一些 条纹,它们对于材料的强韧化作出贡献。

  • Both the inner thermal strain and tension strain of the braided composites were measured successfully by the FBG sensors .

    制作了含光纤布拉格光栅的编织复合材料试件并研究了光纤布拉格光栅在编织复合材料多点的内部 应变检测中的应用;

  • The failure mechanism and effects of thermal stress and thermal strain on the reliability of three kinds of metal bridge materials caused under certain environmental conditions are analyzed . The reliability of the metal bridge connection is proved by experiments .

    分析了3种金属桥材料在规定的环境条件下,所产生的 应变、热应力对可靠性的影响和金属桥失效的机理,并通过试验验证了金属桥连接的可靠性。

  • The solution to temperature field thermal stress thermal strain equivalent effective stress and equivalent strain is achieved then .

    阐述了温度场的求解、热应力及 应变的理论 概要,说明了等效应力与等效应变,并进一步阐明了在 热力 耦合 分析中,机械负荷与 温度 负荷之间的关系;

  • Because of the complex of the geometry material it is very hard to resolute the thermal stress distribution in Flip-Chip encapsulation but the numerical value method for instance finite element analysis has been used in the studying of thermal stress and thermal strain .

    由于几何材料的复杂性,倒装芯片封装中的热应力分布很难用解析的方法求解,而数值方法,如有限元法,已被广泛用于热应力 应变的研究。

  • A model to analyze the effect of thermal strain in the infrared optical films was introduced . When apply it to specific case a necessary improvement has made on it .

    引入了一个分析红外光学薄膜 应变效应的模型,并针对具体情况,对模型作了必要的改进。

  • The first kind of model is non-complete coupling one and this model includes fluid coupling seepage model equation thermal strain model equation and rock coupling deformation equation .

    第一类模型为非完全耦合模型,包括流体耦合渗流方程、 应变方程和岩石耦合变形方程;

  • A physical picture and a microcrack evolvement equation are given . With the help of a formula of thermal strain and dislocation mechanism of microcrack evolvement a microcrack growth rate and a probability density distribution function are found .

    给出了 疲劳微裂纹的演化方程,结合 公式和微裂纹演化的位错机理,求得了 疲劳微裂纹的长大速率和几率密度分布函数。

  • Surface roughness of bamboo plywood is affected by many factors in which thermal strain is one of the most important factors .

    在竹胶合板生产中,由于多种因素的影响,竹材表面会产生一定的粗糙度,其中 应变是一个重要的因素。

  • Analysis of Effect in the Infrared Optical Films by Thermal Strain

    红外光学薄膜的 应变效应分析