


  • The Application of photo - therm Conversion in Our Country


  • W_M private-enterprise Value moment refers to the Weight between the visible and invisible value of private enterprises and therm affection and attraction to Professional executive and limitation of social Currency Capital .

    民营企业价值矩WM的经济意义是指民营企业的各种有形与无形的企业资产对吸引职业经理人时所体现出来的价值与社会货币资本稀缺性的乘积在双方博弈中所体现的 份量

  • Photopolymerization has many advantages and applications as one kind of synthesis technology which differs from therm polymerization .

    光引发聚合作为区别于 引发聚合的一种合成手段,具有许多优越性和实用性。

  • The methods of supplying power are changed and network cell equipment with credibility economized energy sources and high effect is elected for cutting down consumed power and electricity therm exchange so that the configuration of supplying power and air conditioner are reduced .

    在供电方式改革 基础上选择可靠节能高效网元设备,可减少耗电和 电热转换,从而降低供电设备配置和空调 耗电

  • The Linear Algebraic Solution Seeking The General Therm Of Recursive Sequence Of Number

    求递归 数列的线性代数解法

  • With the growth of capacity of large-scale therm power plant and the improvment of automation level of units the distributed control system is commonly adopted .

    随着大型 火电 机组容量 不断增大,机组控制的自动化水平 不断提高,大型 机组的控制系统普遍采用分散控制系统。

  • Multi-scale method for therm o-elasticity properties of composite materials with small periodic configuration

    周期性复合材料 热力耦合性能的多尺度方法

  • The effect of products powders on thermal decomposition kinetics of AP was investigated by thermogravimetry ( TG ) and differential therm analysis ( DTA ) .

    采用差 分析法(DTA)和热重法(TG)研究了产物对AP热分解的影响。

  • In-situ synthesis of the polymer chemical vapor deposition and screen print was carried out to synthesize carbon nanotube film and solvent therm was used for the fabrication of zinc oxide arrays .

    分别采用聚合物 分解原位生长法、化学气相沉积法和丝网印刷法制备出了碳纳米管膜,用溶剂 法制备出了氧化锌 纳米棒阵列。

  • Comparing with fish and plant AFPs the insect AFPs has higher therm hysteresis activity and unique chemical structure features .

    和鱼类,植物AFPs相比,昆虫AFPs具有更高的 滞活性和独特的化学结构特征。

  • The results showed that : ( 1 ) The respiration rate and respiration therm decreased as the storage temperature fallen and as the storage time lasted long during the steady period .

    研究结果表明:(1)贮藏中 锥栗的呼吸强度和呼吸 随着温度降低而减弱,在贮藏稳定期内随着时间的延长,温度对呼吸强度和呼吸 影响 相对

  • Because the common of this grating field the study of the Hawking therm effect and the Black Hole thermodynamics has a significant meaning .

    由于此引力场的普遍性,对 Hawking 效应的研究以及对黑洞热力学性质的研究有着重要的物理意义。