thermal resistor

[ˈθɚməl rɪˈzɪstɚ][ˈθə:məl rɪˈzɪstə]


  • The results show that the instrument is able to control motion speed in engine oil of PTC thermal resistor and the current of PTC resister increases by index law for increase of motion speed about PTC resistor .

    实验结果表明,该实验仪可以调控PTC电阻在机油中的运动速度,当PTC电阻速度增加时,通过 PTC 电阻的电流则按指数规律增加。

  • The pretreatment circuit of signal was designed according to eddy current sensor and thermal resistor .

    针对电涡流传感器和 电阻传感器,分别设计了信号预处理电路。

  • Study on Pt Thin Film Thermal Resistor Technology

    Pt薄膜 热敏 电阻工艺研究

  • At this time the failure causes of thermal resistor is more thermocouples wires compensation conductor or transmitter amplifier failure caused .

    此时的故障原因多是热电偶、 电阻、补偿导线断线或变送器放大器失灵造成。

  • Application of PTC Thermal Resistor on Carburettor and Its Features

    PTC 热敏 电阻器在化油器上的应用及特性

  • The Sampling Circuit Controlling Signal for Measuring Temperature with a New Type of Thermal Resistor

    一种新型的 电阻测温信号的采样电路

  • According to the temperature characteristic of LED and CCD a kind of temperature compensation method with voltage adjuster and thermal resistor combined is presented .

    针对发光二极管阵列光源和CCD的温度特性,提出了电压调整器和 热敏 电阻 温度 系数)相结合的温度补偿方法。

  • In this paper the characteristics of NTC thermal resistor and its application in LCD design is introduced .

    介绍NTC 热敏 电阻的特性及其在液晶显示中的应用设计。

  • Analyses the static volt-ampere characteristic curve of positive temperature coefficient thermal resistor ( PTCR ) in detail .

    详细分析了正温度系数 热敏 电阻(PTCR)静态伏安特性曲线的特征,在此基础上介绍了处理伏安特性测试数据的数学方法&最小二乘法和自然样条函数法。

  • This paper introduces the application of the computer data acquisition and processing technique in the college physics experiment teaching as an example the characteristic of PTC and NTC thermal resistor have been measured .

    以大学物理实验中对PTC,NTC等 热敏 电阻 元件 电阻 -温度特性的测量实验为例,介绍了计算机数据采集与处理技术在大学物理实验教学中的具体应用。

  • A Method for the Automatic Compensation to Thermal Resistor in Temperature Measurement

    一种 电阻温度测量的全补偿方法

  • Soft Starter of Thermal Resistor of Large High-Voltage Motor

    大型高压电动机 电阻软起动装置

  • The working principle start characteristic and application of the soft starter of high voltage thermal resistor are presented .

    介绍了高压 电阻软起动装置的工作原理、起动特性及应用。

  • The Nonlinearity of NTC Thermal Resistor and Compensation

    NTC 热敏 电阻的非线性误差及其补偿

  • The system detects infusion speed and completion degree through the infrared photoelectric whether there is a bubble mix by the ultrasonic transmission and liquor temperature by the thermal resistor .

    系统利用红外光电法检测输液速度和输液完成,利用超声波透射法检测输液气泡混入,利用 热敏 电阻检测药液温度。

  • To keep the anode current stable suitably a temperature compensated circuit based on a thermal resistor to self-regulate the filament voltage has been designed .

    为使阳极电流稳定在合适的区间内,设计了一种利用 热敏 电阻自动调节中子管灯丝电压的温度补偿电路。

  • Application of metal film thermal resistor to pressure sensor

    金属薄膜 热敏 电阻器在压力传感器中的应用

  • Calculation and experiment of temperature increment on thermal resistor irradiated by CO_2 laser

    CO2激光辐照下 热敏 电阻温升的数值计算与实验

  • Develop Heat Rate Instrument about the Thermal Resistor of PTC

    利用PTC 热敏 电阻 耗散转速仪的研制

  • NTC Thermal Resistor Application in LCD

    NTC 热敏 电阻在液晶显示中的应用

  • Application of Ni-C composite deposit to high polymer PTC thermal resistor

    Ni-C复合镀层在高分子PTC 热敏 电阻器上的应用

  • Results showed that the thermal resistor network features simple fast and precise modeling . Therefore it is replaceable for detailed physical modeling in system level thermal design .

    结果表明, 热阻网络 等效方法具有模型简单、分析快速、准确度高的优点,在系统级热分析中可完全替代详细的物理模型。

  • Two compensation methods with polysilicon thermal resistor are analyzed and tested particularly .

    对采用多晶硅 热敏 电阻器进行补偿的两种补偿方法进行了详细地分析和测试。

  • The thermometric error of thermal resistor effected by working current

    工作电流对 热敏 电阻测温的影响

  • The Ni thin film thermal resistor is fabricated by magnetron sputtering and its TCR is 5.7 × 10 ~ ( - 3 ) / ℃ .

    采用磁控溅射方法制备Ni薄膜 热敏 电阻,其电阻温度系数(TCR)为5.7×10~(-3)/℃。

  • In the design the acquisition of thermal resistor 's resistance is obtained by RC charge and discharge circuit to avoid the use of AD device and simplify the circuit design .

    测温模块通过采用RC充放电方式实现 热敏 电阻 阻值的获取.避免使用 A D转换器,简化了硬件电路;

  • In the meanwhile the paper introduces a method of thermal resistor 's measuring calculation and calibration and discusses the characteristic of thermal resistor .

    文章同时给出 热敏 电阻器测温计算和标定的简单实用方法,而且对热敏电阻器的特性作了探讨。

  • A single chip computer based multiple channel temperature data logger for both thermal resistor and thermocouple is developed .

    开发了一种基于单片机的 电阻、热电偶混用多通道温度巡测装置。