


  • This indicated that POD can cause the change of ZJ0777 configuration and thereout we presume POD is concerned with the ZJ0777 metabolism in the plant .

    这说明POD可导致ZJ0777化合物的结构变化, 由此推测POD可能参与了ZJ0777化合物的体内代谢转化过程。

  • The author points out the existing problems in such aspects as manpower development personnel assessment personnel choosing and welfare distribution of the company and concretely analyses the influences thereout based upon the author 's through and meticulous understanding in the manpower resource management of the company .

    基于作者对该公司的人力资源管理方面的深入、细致的了解,指出该公司在人力资源开发、人员考评、员工选拔、福利发放等方面存在的问题,并具体分析了 由此 带来的影响。

  • Thereout the problem to study in this thesis was brought forward and aimed at helping teachers answer the challenges from that finally cultivate and improve self-education ability of students by discussing the problem .

    由此提出了本文研究的问题,旨在通过对这个问题的探讨,帮助教师 更快 有效地应对由此带来的挑战,并最终培养和提高学生的自我教育能力。

  • Thereout the mechanism of interaction is various .


  • It can save manpower finance and time . What is more it can offer decision-making foundation and help for the construct of mobile communication station or radio monitor station thereout make optimal distribution and layout and enhance the efficiency of radio resource using .

    这样既可以节省人力、财力和时间,同时也可以为移动通信基站或无线电监测站的建设提供决策上的依据和帮助, 由此做出最佳的布局规划,提高无线电资源的利用率。

  • Thereout the paper brought forward some countermeasures and suggestion that those could control water pollution and achieved coordinative development of economy and environment by optimizing and upgrading the industrial structure .


  • Thereout the author fixes on the focus problem of this study that is using action research method to study the steps and methods of instructional design of researching learning that based on the virtual learning community .


  • In combination with requirement from automobile after-sale service office this paper mainly completes the requirement analysis of after-sale service management system division of function modules analysis of database mode and thereout designs the database structure and application program .

    结合汽车售后客户服务部的要求,主要完成对售后客户服务管理系统的需求分析、功能模块划分、数据库模式分析,并 由此设计了数据库结构和应用程序。

  • The model of radar echo signal is founded based on the analysis of SAR imaging theory in this paper . Thereout a method used to make SAR echo data is put forward .

    在分析合成孔径雷达成像原理的基础上,建立了雷达回波信号模型 提出了一种生成回波数据的方法。

  • This paper discusses the management of resource for soft handoff in CDMA network and analyses several conditions for network running thereout gives a method support dynamic criticality .

    讨论了CDMA网络中软切换的资源分配,分析了网络工作过程中的几种情况, 提出动态优先级的方法。

  • Factorial experiment design was carried on by dint of Design-Expert software for studying the yield stress and apparent viscosity . By variance analysis finding the remarkably influential factors thereout the equations of the yield stress and the apparent viscosity were obtained .

    借助Design-Expert试验设计软件对屈服应力和表观粘度进行正交试验,通过方差分析寻找显著影响因素, 得到了屈服应力和表观粘度的公式。

  • Some class ⅲ - ⅴ active faults that run through Daxing mine field are found out by means of geodynamic zoning with topographic map and other methods . Thereout the result of tectonic movement is exposes .

    应用地质动力区划方法,通过逐级使用地形测量图,并结合其它方法查明了大兴井田的Ⅲ-Ⅴ级活动断裂, 由此 展现了井田的现今构造运动结果。

  • Thereout the author deduces that non-standpoint is the moral guarantee to moral education .


  • Thereout the Paper expatiates the wonderful poetics view of Fanghui and the contribution theoretically .


  • Thereout the management of workspaces and change are described .


  • Based on the theory of competitive advantage the challenge of construction industry in business strategy and informatization is expounded . Thereout the CEB theory is raised and the competitive advantage of CEB strategy is analyzed by the Five Forces model .

    基于基础企业理论,阐明了建筑业在经营战略和信息化上面临的挑战, 由此提出了CEB理论, 论证了CEB战略能够为建筑企业赢得竞争优势。

  • The feudal country levied taxes military service servitude and distinguished people 's occupation or rank by household register thereout the prominence characteristic system of the household register identity in China was formed .

    户籍是封建国家 征调赋税、劳役、兵役以及区分人户职业和等级的重要 凭证 由此形成了 独具特色的中国户籍身份制。

  • Thereout imperfection of listed company govern construction is a important reason of influence accounting information quality .

    由此 说明,上市公司治理结构的缺陷是影响会计信息质量的重要原因。

  • Thereout we demonstrated the logic limitation of main theory of decision making .

    论证坚持唯一决策逻辑 立场的决策理论的缺陷。

  • Using a description of the actualities of network security as the basis this article discusses the existing problems in the construction of network security in our country and puts forward some suggestions thereout .

    本文在对网络安全现状进行描述的基础上,就我国网络安全建设中存在的问题进行了讨论,同时对我国的网络安全建设提出了若干 建议

  • Thereout a single nerve cell controller which has self-study function is designed .


  • Afterwards this paper makes a brief overview of the information disclosure system including historical research characteristics significance and theoretical basis ( law and economics foundation ); thereout it begins the comparison study on the issue of information disclosure standard .

    然后本文对信息披露制度作了一番扼要概述,主要包括信息披露制度的历史考察、特征、意义和理论依据(法学依据和经济学依据); 由此 揭开对信息披露标准这一问题的比较研究。

  • In this two important periods many thinkers expressed a lot of ideas about the sincerity in aspect of sincerity economy activities many examples of positive and negative came forth as it thereout commerce moral of sincerity came into being .

    在这两个重要时期,很多思想家对诚信伦理思想都有大量的论述,在诚信经济活动方面,也出现了不少正反面的事例, 由此产生了诚信商业道德。

  • Furthermore the coupled area of two polymer chains acts as a cutter on the charge carriers and it can divide a wave packet into two parts . Thereout we illustrate that the charge transports in the form of probability wave . 3 .

    并且我们发现链间耦合部分对载流子的作用就像是一个 切割器,它可以把一个波包分割成两部分,通过波包可以再分割 证明了电荷是以几率波的形式传输的。