thermal expansivity


  • For foundry sand from a famous domestic area the curve of thermal expansivity with the temperature was described .

    本文最后给出了利用 装置 的国内某著名铸造用原砂的 膨胀 温度曲线。

  • These properties include vapor-liquid and critical properties constant pressure heat capacity thermal expansivity and isothermal compressibility transport properties as viscosity self-diffusion coefficient and thermal conductivity and liquid density and viscosity of binary mixture .

    这些热力学性质包括气液相平衡及临界性质,恒压热容, 系数,压缩系数,传递性质如剪切粘度、扩散系数、热传导系数等,以及二元混合物的密度和粘度。

  • In the high temperature the thermal expansion and thermal expansivity of ceramic cores are small and the size stability is extremely good .

    陶瓷型芯在高温时的热膨胀 膨胀 系数都很小,型芯有很好的高温尺寸稳定性。

  • Polyimide ( PI ) had been widely used in electric industries because of their outstanding characteristics such as excellent tensile strength and modulus low thermal expansivity and dielectric constant ε good insulation capacity and good resistance to organic solvents .

    聚酰亚胺因为其优异的性能被广泛的应用于电气工业,例如高强度与高模量, 低热 膨胀 系数和介电常数,优异的绝缘性能和耐溶剂性。