theoretical standard

[ˌθiəˈrɛtɪkəl ˈstændəd][ˌθiəˈretikəl ˈstændəd]

[经] 理论(或理想)标准

  • Chapter three : the theoretical cornerstone of responsibility standard .

    第三章:责任 本位主义的 理论基石。

  • Explore theoretical standard of denoising effect and prove correctness of analysis process by experiment results .

    找到去噪效果的 理论 评价 标准,结合实验结果验证理论分析的正确性,通过实验找到适用于橡胶测厚信号去噪处理中的最优小波基。

  • Existing research usually start from the theoretical analysis use the standard research methods .

    现有研究多从 理论分析入手,采用 规范性研究方法。

  • The teacher standard of moral education is formed mainly by political standard theoretical standard scientific and cultural standard psychological standard ideological standard and moral standard .

    德育教师素质主要由政治素质、 理论 素质、科学文化素质、心理素质、思想素质、道德素质构成。

  • Out of Several Theoretical Misunderstanding of the Criminal Standard of Proof

    走出刑事证明 标准的几个 理论误区&兼论刑事证明 标准的设立 基准

  • To construct and improve theoretical framework of accounting standard in China it is significant how to design qualitative characteristics of accounting information .

    怎样设计我国会计信息质量要求,对于构建和完善具有中国特色的会计 准则 理论框架具有十分重要的意义。

  • This part is committed to solve the theoretical basis of discretion standard including the basic issues of the administrative discretion the basic content and extension of discretion standard also the legitimacy of its existence .

    该部分主要解决裁量 基准研究的 理论基础问题,包括行政裁量的基本问题、裁量基准的内涵外延以及其存在的正当性问题。

  • Domestic and foreign experts and scholars made a large number of experimental study and theoretical analysis The design standard of Anti-slide pile-plank wall has Significantly improved .

    国内外专家,学者进行了大量的试验研究和 理论分析,抗滑桩板墙的设计 标准有了很大提高。

  • The riverbank protection structure with notched sill is a new type of retaining wall structure but there is not yet theoretical design standard .

    齿坎式护岸结构是一种新型挡墙结构,但目前齿坎式挡墙缺乏 理论设计 规范

  • With experimental gas as raw material this paper makes the thermodynamic analysis of the process of producing metallurgical reducing gas from coke oven gas provides theoretical basis for making standard metallurgical reducing gas .

    以实验气体为原料,对焦炉煤气制备冶金还原气的过程进行热力学分析,为制取 合格的冶金还原气提供 理论依据。

  • The third part summarizes related theoretical technology about Information Standard Construction and Data Exchange .

    第三部分是对信息 标准建设和数据交换的相关 理论技术的概述。

  • Through theoretical analysis of standard for cleanliness class temperature and humidity in facility for experiential animal together with engineering practice and survey of experiential animal room the revision of existing standard of animal room is suggested .

    通过对实验动物设施内空气的洁净度和温湿度 标准 理论分析,结合工程实践和对实验动物房的考察,建议修订现行实验动物房的相关标准。

  • A study on signaling mechanism in GMPLS traffic engineering is also provided here . A deep analysis and comparison between the two different signaling process RSVP-TE and CR-LDP is given providing a theoretical standard for operators in their choice of signaling protocols .

    本文还对GMPLS流量工程中的信令机制进行了研究,对RSVP-TE与CRLDP两种信令过程进行了较为深入的分析和比较,为运营商选择合适的信令协议提供了一定的 理论 依据

  • The Basic Theoretical research about Environment Standard

    环境 标准基础 理论问题探析

  • The legislative model of compensation for environmental damage is the key point that environmental damage legislation from theoretical form to Standard form and play the role in practice .

    环境损害赔偿立法模式是环境损害赔偿立法由 理论形态上升为 规范形态并作用于实践的关键。

  • We hold that certain evaluations of ancient Chinese maths show a lack of theoretical value standard and scientific method is often scarcely used in the procedure of evaluation .

    本文认为中国古代数学的某些评价缺乏 理论上的价值 标准,而且评价的程序往往也缺乏科学的方法。

  • The hearing system of Western countries experienced a longer period of time is now relatively well and mature with a rich theoretical foundation and a standard legal text .

    西方国家的听证制度经历了较长时间的发展,目前已经相对完善和成熟,具备丰富的 理论基础和 规范的法律文本。

  • Try to Design Qualitative Characteristics of Accounting Information in China & and Discuss How to Construct Theoretical Framework of Accounting Standard

    我国会计信息质量要求的设计探讨&兼论我国企业会计 准则 理论框架的构建

  • However the brand management of credit card in Chinese market is just groping and exploring in practice which is lack of potent theoretical basis and reference standard .

    然而,中国市场上信用卡品牌的经营,还只是在实践中进行摸索和探寻,缺乏有力的 理论依据和参照 标准

  • On the Theoretical Motivation Standard Design and System Perfection of Coal Mine Safety Regulation

    煤矿安全规制的 理论动因、 标准设计与制度补充

  • The Theoretical Prediction of the Standard Partial Molar Volume of the Alkyl Chains of Amino Acids in Aqueous Sodium Carboxylate Solutions

    氨基酸侧链在羧酸钠水溶液中 标准偏摩尔体积的 理论预测

  • The research on being 's qualification structure and the social requirement on its development serve as practical and theoretical bases of the standard of evaluation of University student .

    摘要关于人的素质结构的研究和社会发展对人才的要求,是大学生成才 标准确定的 理论依据和实践依据。

  • There is a important practical and theoretical significance to approach the standard fo intangible assets evaluating .

    探讨无形资产评估 标准和方法具有重要的实践意义和 理论意义。

  • In the first three chapters we made a review for the theoretical framework of Standard Model and B physics . We presented the extraction of Wilson coefficients ;

    在论文的综述部分(前三章),我们首先对粒子物理的 标准模型以及B介子弱衰变的 理论框架进行了简单的介绍,并给出了标准模型下威尔逊系数的表达式;

  • Approach to Theoretical Elastic Characteristic of Standard Force Pulse Former

    标准力脉冲成形器的 理论弹性特性曲线探讨

  • The purposes of this study are to investigate the rules of news communication and demonstrate its theoretical standard through sufficient practices .

    本研究的目的在于从该栏目的丰富实践中,探索其新闻传播规律和揭示它的 理论 规范

  • This paper provides the theoretical foundation and value standard for the protection and development of the Old Town .

    为大理古城的保护与发展提供有力的 理论支撑和评价 标准

  • This article discusses the basic principle and behavioral standard of personal equality from the points of view of social ethics and practical behavior puts forward theoretical model and practical standard for judgement of social equality .

    本文从社会伦理和实践行为两个方面,探讨了人与人公平的基本原理和行为标度,提出了衡量社会公平的 理论模型和实践 准则

  • The restoration expenses were 18.11 × 10 ~ 8yuan which accounted for 22.1 % of GDP in 2002.The fund used in grassland restoration is far from theoretical standard so the pace of recovery is lower than that of degradation at present .

    退化草原的恢复费用需要 18.11×108元,占2002年GDP的22.1%,而目前草场恢复的资金远远低于 理论数值,草原恢复速度低于退化速度。