thermochemical kinetics


  • Thermochemical Properties and Decomposition Kinetics of Nanoparticle NH_4 ZnPO_4 with Dodecahedron Morphology

    纳米十二面体磷酸锌铵的 热化学性质及分解 动力学

  • The reaction of thermolysis of dibenzyl and phenyl benzyl ether are first Order and can he explained by free radical mechanism . Experimental rate constants are well consistent with the results of thermochemical kinetics CalCulation .

    二苯乙烷和苯基 苄基醚的 热解有一级反应特征,其反应机理为自由基过程,反应速度方程和速度常数的理论计算与实验结果完全一致;