the sooner the better

[ði ˈsunɚ ði ˈbɛtɚ][ðə ˈsu:nə ðə ˈbetə]


  • Wang Ching-wei said devoted brothers always remain brothers and Chungking will certainly follow our road the sooner the better we hope .

    汪精卫说:“最亲善的兄弟终久还是兄弟,重庆将来一定和我们走同一道路, 我们希望 日期 愈快 愈好。”

  • On this the two leaders share the same impatience : the sooner the better . If there are differences they are about precise timing and choreography .

    在这一点上,两位领导人表现出同样 性急: 越好。如果说有什么分歧的 ,那就是关于 撤军的准确时间以及具体安排。

  • Besides since you have a high temperature the sooner the better .

    再说,你正在发烧, 尽早 看病不是 更好

  • The sooner the better . Don 't want to be late for the peach blossoms .

    希望 他们 快点到,要是太迟回去的话,桃花都谢了。

  • The recovery can be enhanced through injecting high concentration polymer in different polymer flooding period . Indoor research indicates that injecting high concentration polymer according to different time can enhance more recovery than that of ordinary polymer flooding and the sooner the better .

    在不同聚驱阶段注高浓聚合物均能进一步提高采收率,室内研究表明,不同时机转注高浓度聚合物比普通聚驱提高采收率幅度大, 注。

  • If it is to happen the sooner the better .

    如果要 银行 国有化, 那么 越好

  • Trade Fairs in Europe - Germany holds the pole position P : Any time you say . The sooner the better .

    参加欧洲博览会,德国占尽 时地利任何时候你。 抢先占有 土地 比较

  • Detective Holt said : ' The kidnapper is a man we must catch and the sooner the better ' .

    霍尔特侦探说:“绑架者是一名男子,我们必须抓住他, 越好。”

  • Get your paper in when you can ; the sooner the better .

    尽可能 你的论文, 愈快 愈好

  • He can come at any time the sooner the better .

    他随时都可以来, 越好

  • I have an urgent matter please pass on to penavico the sooner the better .

    我有紧急事情,请接外轮代理公司, 越好

  • Mark you 'd better get cracking the sooner the better

    马克,你最好尽快开始, 越好

  • Also requires the project construction period as short as possible the sooner the better production so as to seize market opportunities .

    同时要求项目建设周期越短越好、投产 越好,这样才能抓住市场先机。

  • With the knife quicker knife and meat floss friction increases minced warming was faster Therefore to avoid temperature effect on the emulsion we should control the blade speed not the sooner the better . 5 .

    但刀速越快刀与肉糜摩擦也越大,肉糜升温越快,所以为避免温度升高对乳化效果的影响,也应适当控制刀速,并非 越好

  • I want you out of here and the sooner the better . Drug Design in the Fast Lane

    你给我走开, 越好.药物设计走上快车道

  • The sooner the better as far as I 'm concerned .

    我想还是 越好

  • Properly reduce the barrier to the entrance of this industry realize intensive & specialized operation the sooner the better ;

    适当降低科技信息传播业的进入壁垒, 尽快实现集约化、专业化经营;

  • I hope to visit Hong Kong very soon ; the sooner the better .

    我希望 天到香港, 越好

  • I want you out of here and the sooner the better .

    你给我走开, 越好

  • I want you to get rid of those people and the sooner the better .

    我想要你摆脱这些人, 越好

  • If it 's not too much trouble means Do it and the sooner the better .

    “如果这不是太麻烦的话”的意思是“做吧,而且 越好”。

  • P : Any time you say . The sooner the better .

    任何时候你。 抢先 占有 土地 比较

  • Therefore we urge government to lay down a clear and long-term housing policy the sooner the better .

    因此,我们促请政府 尽快制订 清晰 长远房屋政策。

  • She could go to Waukesha right away if she wanted to . The sooner the better .

    如果她愿意 话,她可以马上去华克夏, 越好

  • For all parties it would be the sooner the better .

    “对各方来说,都是 越好。”

  • What 's needed now of course are some of those hopeful signs and experts say the sooner the better .

    专家指出,现在人们最需要的就是这些充满希望的迹象出现 越好。上传:韩萱。

  • Come to my office the sooner the better .

    到我办公室来一趟, 越好

  • You need a holiday and the sooner the better .

    你需要休假, 愈好

  • The sooner the better if you ask me .

    如果你问我的话, 越好

  • One view little and fine to born population population the increasing rate lowered by oneself the sooner the better ;

    一种观点是出生人口 少越好、人口自增率降 越好