the Tropics


  • She contracted hepatitis in the tropics .

    她在 热带 地区感染上了肝炎。

  • Travellers to the tropics are generally warned against drinking water that has not been filtered or boiled .

    热带 地区 旅客一般都被告知不要喝未过滤和未煮开的水。

  • Climate : Sri Lanka is situated at the tropics is the tropics marine climate .

    气候:斯里兰卡地处 热带,属热带海洋性气候。

  • The coconut is particular to the tropics .

    椰子是 热带 地区 特产

  • Of weather or climate ; hot and humid as in the tropics .

    指天气或者气候;炎热而且潮湿,像在 热带 一样

  • The food undergoes no deterioration in the tropics .

    这种食品在 热带 地方不会变质。

  • In the tropics there are also two seasons : a rainy season and a dry season .

    赤道 地区也只有两季,雨季和旱季。

  • Ozone losses above the temperate areas of Earth between the tropics and the poles were taking place during summertime .

    地球两极与 赤道之间温带区域上空的臭氧损失正在夏季里发生。

  • Most coral reefs are in the tropics because natural conditions there are perfect .

    大部分的珊瑚礁生长在 热带 地区,因为那里的自然条件 理想。

  • Heat is transported from the tropics to the middle and high latitudes .

    热量从 热带被传输到中高纬度地区。

  • He had always wanted an adventurous life in the tropics .

    他一直想到 热带 地区过冒险的生活。

  • Scientists have reported similar webs in other parts of the world the tropics in particular .


  • We had a trip to the tropics and found the tropical scenery very pleasing typically in the morning .

    我们到了 热带 地区旅游,发现热带风景十分宜人,特别是在早晨。

  • Their homes have often become invaded with ants especially living in the tropics .

    他们的家经常会遭到蚂蚁的入侵,尤其是当生活在 热带 时候

  • Papers published last year provide evidence that influenza viruses mix and mutate in the tropics .

    去年发表的论文提供了证据表明流感病毒在 热带 地区混合与突变。

  • Contrast our climate with that of the tropics .

    将我们和 热带气候比较一下。

  • Tropical secondary forests own enormous potential and ecological function due to its vast area and are an increasingly important component of the forest resources in the tropics .

    热带次生林面积巨大和在 热带森林资源中越来越重要,因而拥有巨大的经营潜力和生态功能。

  • A number of plants most from the tropics do not produce seeds that can be stored .

    一些植物,其中大部分来自 热带 地区,并不产可用以储藏的种子。

  • Jimmy Buffett 's music conjures up a warm night in the tropics

    吉米·巴菲特的音乐让人想起 热带 地区温暖的夜晚。

  • Little is known about climatic conditions in the tropics during the last glacial period and the deglaciation that followed .

    人们对最后一次冰期 热带 气候条件以及随后发生的冰川消退知之甚少。

  • In the tropics they don 't need winter clothing .


  • I went on holiday to the tropics for a month .

    我去 热带 地区度了一个月假。

  • The problem of underdevelopment appears to be confined to the tropics .

    不发达的问题似乎只限于 热带 地区

  • Evergreen Asiatic trees now grown through the tropics : breadfruit ; jackfruit .

    现在在 热带 地区生长的长青亚洲树;面包果树;木菠萝树。

  • She 's a botanist and spent several years researching in the tropics .

    她是个植物学家,花了几年 时间在 热带 地区搞研究。

  • Is the zooplankton of the tropics different ?


  • Many developing countries are in the tropics which most efficiently grow such crops as sugar and cotton .

    许多发展中国家都位于盛产诸如棉花和蔗糖等农作物 热带 地区

  • In the tropics plants grow to huge proportions .


  • Ten years ago I went to the tropics for the first time .

    十年前我第一次到 热带去。