the yellows


  • These are the bright reds yellows and oranges we see in autumn .

    这便是我们秋天所见到 鲜红、 黄色及橙色。

  • Put the yellows on the houses .

    这个 黄色 在房子上。

  • High soil pH value is a immediate cause of the camphor tee yellows .

    土壤pH值过高是 黄化 最直接原因。

  • The symptom can be classified into the yellows of shoot and whole plant died shoot and whole plant .

    症状主要表现为 黄化、整株 黄化、梢头枯死和全株 枯死

  • Gaze at the vivid yellows blues and psychedelic swirls of a single emperor angelfish and you 'll sense the whimsy of evolution .

    瞧瞧那 皇帝神仙鱼”(emperor angelfish)身上鲜艳的 与蓝,还有迷幻般的漩涡,你就能感受到生物进化的无奇不有了。

  • I yearned for the bright blues yellows and reds of a beach holiday but just watching the world go by had never really been Neil 's bag .

    我强烈地向往着海滩假日中明亮的 湛蓝 黄色和红色,可是就只是这样 静静地欣赏 周围的一切,可不是尼尔的兴趣所在。

  • He gazed at the row of birch-trees with their motionless yellows and greens and the white bark shining in the sun .

    他望了望 排白桦树, 的、绿的树叶一动不动,雪白的树皮在阳光下熠熠闪耀。

  • But aromatic TPU are susceptible to aging and degradation in the light for a long time and the results are that the adhesive strength declines the adhesive layer yellows and the application effect is not good .

    但芳香族聚氨酯胶粘剂在长时间光照后会发生老化、降解,使得粘接强度下降、粘接层 颜色 ,影响其使用效果。

  • Anne was looking out of the window at the reds and yellows of the trees and the silvery blue of the river .

    安妮欣赏着窗外红 相间的树木和波光粼粼的蓝色小河。

  • Investigation of Beet Yellow Virus in the Inner Mongolia On Sugarbeet mosaic and Yellows diseases

    内蒙古甜菜黄化毒病 调查甜菜花叶病毒和 黄化病毒的 电镜观察

  • The vivid greens and yellows of the sun filtering through the trees .

    阳光透过树丛 显出 鲜艳的绿色和 黄色

  • Enjoy the oranges yellows and reds all year long by creating a leaf collage with your kids .

    学会欣赏桔子,通过与你的孩子们一起制作叶子拼图来 欣赏一年中的 金红

  • Here in the shallows of a Fijian reef brilliant soft corals wave in reds pinks and yellows as schools of fairy basslets flash orange and violet hues .

    此处是斐济一处珊瑚礁 浅滩,艳丽的软珊瑚舞动在红色、粉红色与 黄色之中,而成群的拟花?(fairy basslet)则闪耀着橘色和紫色的光辉。

  • Let your eyes drink in the light blues gree yellows and pinks .

    让你的眼睛饱享淡篮、青绿、 黄色和粉红色。

  • ( color ) inducing the impression of warmth ; used especially of reds and oranges and yellows .

    (颜色)产生温暖 感觉;尤指红色、橙色和 黄色

  • Sensibly Thompson and Morgan is making special offers of some of the best at 12.99 each in colours ranging from the best shell-pink to the prized but less subtle yellows .

    汤姆森与摩根公司很明智地正在特价出售此中的一些优良品种,从最佳 嫩粉色品种一直到受到追捧,但雅致稍欠的 黄色品种,每株 12.99英镑。

  • Rockets explode to fill the dark night sky with bright reds and blues with yellows and greens and whites .

    火箭式烟火在黑暗的夜空中绽放,色彩斑斓,有红色,蓝色, 黄色,绿色和白色等。

  • So for a short period of time you see not only the reds oranges and yellows the luminous quality like you see on Earth but you see the whole spectrum red-orange-yellow-blue-green-indigo-violet .

    所以,有很短的一段时间,你所看到的不光是 各种红色,桔 黄色,如同你在地球上所看到的明亮,而且你看到整个含有赤橙红绿青蓝紫的光谱。

  • Sitting among the optimistic yellows of the Oval Office the president is quick to zero in on what has caused so many in his party to reject his efforts .

    坐在椭圆办公室里, 周围都是乐观的 黄种人,总统迅速就为何党内广泛反对他的改革 成绩进行 辩解

  • On the EPIPHYTOTICS of sugar beet yellows in Inner Mongolia

    内蒙甜菜 黄化毒病流行 研究