the elderly

[ði ˈɛldəli][ðə ˈeldəli]


  • Regular screening for HCC is necessary for NASH patients especially the elderly men with multiple metabolic disorders .

    有必要对合并多元代谢紊乱 NASH患者,尤其是男性和 年老患者进行定期HCC筛检。

  • Agent yellow can be fatal especially to the elderly children .

    黄色警报是很致命的尤其对 老人和孩子。

  • Members of a family help one another with particular care for the very young and the elderly .

    家庭中的每个成员都会互相帮助,特别是照顾好年龄最小和 最大

  • Research indicates happy in old age when the elderly 's life quality influences the elderly directly .

    有研究表明, 老年 的生活质量直接影响到老年人 晚年幸福。

  • But young people and the elderly appear less influenced by having more money .

    然而,年轻人和 老年 似乎受金钱的影响更小一些。

  • Problem of the elderly and the aged

    年长 和老年人问题

  • The application must be usable by the elderly and others who have difficulty reading small text .

    应用程序必须 老年 和其他阅读小文本时有困难的人是可用的。

  • ConclusionSelf-rated health could reflect the status of social support and self-care of the elderly .

    结论健康自评可以反映 老年 社会支持状况与日常生活自理能力;

  • Osteoporosis is a metabolic bone disease particularly common in the elderly .

    骨质疏松症是一种骨骼新陈代谢的病症,在 长者中最为常见。

  • The elderly man may not be typical but he speaks for a significant body of opinion

    这位 老人也许并没有代表性,但他所说的话却代表着相当一部分人的观点。

  • Developing and middle-income countries must care for growing numbers of the elderly but often without enough money and experience .

    发展中国家和中等收入国家必须照料不断增加 老年 人口,但这些国家往往没有足够的资金和经验。

  • The elderly relative had died of old age .

    这位 年事已高的亲戚得享天年。

  • Who will take care of the elderly ?

    谁来照料上 年纪

  • The elderly man is quite energetic .

    这位 年纪 老人仍精力充沛。

  • Another is expanding social opportunities for the elderly .

    另一个原因是社会上 老人 机会增加了。

  • As children they should take care of the elderly in material and spirit .

    作为孩子,他们应该在物质和精神上照顾 老人

  • I have had to leave home in the nightmare of the elderly .

    我曾做过家中 老人离去的噩梦。

  • Both the elderly and children are respected being the knowledge and future of life .

    成人 和孩子被视为知识和未来的象征。

  • The elderly and handicapped categories include many who previously were employed in the labor market .


  • These cities are seeing the age imbalance increase with too few young people to care for the elderly .

    城市正见证了年龄不平衡的,照顾 老年 年轻人太少了。

  • The elderly live in fear of assault and murder .

    老人 生活在对袭击和谋杀的恐惧之中。

  • Many of the elderly are on medication .

    许多 老年 都需按时服药。

  • The elderly at the nursing home have some protections but not much .

    看护之家 老人 已经受到一些保护,但这类措施为数不多。

  • The elderly teacher was much loved and esteemed .

    这位 教师很受人们的热爱和尊重。

  • Two more hunger and they are also one of the elderly gift basket fishing rod and a fish .

    又有两个饥饿的人,他们同样得到了 长者恩赐的一根鱼竿和一篓鱼。

  • Effect of Community Nursing Interventions on Life Style and Quality in the Elderly

    社区护理干预对 老年 生活方式和生活质量的影响

  • Objective : To evaluate the efficacy and toxicity of Gemcitabine for malignancy in the elderly .

    目的:评价吉西他滨治疗 老年 恶性肿瘤的疗效和毒副作用。

  • We should provide better care for the elderly .

    我们应该为 老年 提供更好照顾。